Chapter 40

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I saw Harry sitting in the common room alone the next night and I joined him. "Are you alright Harry?" He sighed, "how am I supposed to hold my breath underwater for an hour?" I shook my head, "is that your task?" He nodded, "I'm going to die." I hit him, "don't say that Harry." Hermione and Ron both walked in, "we're going to the library," I insisted.

We all spent hours in the library desperately searching for something to help us. I had just finished one book when Moody walked up to us. "Clara, Ms. Granger, come with me please." I stared at him, "I can't, we're helping Harry."

"This isn't up for discussion, NOW." I slammed my book on the table following him. "I see you've come a long way since Azkaban." I stared at him, "what did you just say?" We stopped in front of Dumbledores office, and he simply pointed at the door. I rolled my eyes making my way through the door but Moody suddenly grabbed my wrist. He examined it closely and I pulled away running up the stairs.

Once we had made it up I noticed Cho, and Fleurs younger sister were also there. Dumbledore raised his wand and in a matter of seconds we were all frozen. I couldn't move or speak. Just stared into space.

That night we were put into the black lake, and when a cannon sounded I knew that they were coming for us. I watched as Krum got to Hermione first, then Cedric swam down immediately grabbing Cho. He stopped and came up to me. He was starting to free me when some sort of merman swam towards him. "Only one." He hissed. Cedric put his hand on me, and I closed my eyes. "Go." I mouthed urging him to swim up.

A few minutes later I saw Harry swim up to me, once I was free he quickly grabbed Fleurs sister. And started to swim up ignoring all the merman surrounding us. The second I hit the surface I was able to move again. Fleurs sister had already began making her way to land. "Harry." I screamed looking for him. I pushed my head underwater but it was too dark I couldn't see anything.

"HARRY." I called again, I repeatedly yelled his name hoping someone would do something. When he shot out of the water I breathed relived. "You idiot." I whispered doing my best to hug him underwater.

We swam to land and I was pulled up by Fred. He swung me around. "About bloody time I thought you were going to drown yourself out there." I kissed him. "I was."

He wrapped a towel around me and began walking me into the castle. Cedric stoped us and I gave him a big hug, "you did amazing," I congratulated him. "I wanted to take you too, I really did, but I thought those things would kill us if I did." I smiled, "you did exactly what you were supposed to. Congrats."

I had a hot shower and then went out to the common room to celebrate with everyone.

A few weeks passed by and we were getting close to the end of term. I had decided to go out for a walk, while Fred was "studying" for his exams. I saw Cedric sitting alone on a rock. "Hey," I whispered. He gave me a small nod. "What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed tossing rocks into the water, "the last task is tomorrow." I bit my lip, "you're nervous. Cedric you've done amazing in every other task. Now is not the time to start doubting yourself." He shook his head, "this one is going to be the hardest." I nudged him, "Cedric, of course you're going to be a bit nervous, but I think you have a very good chance, you've proven yourself already." He nodded, "thank you." I smiled, "you're not alone Cedric, you have so many people who believe in you."

Cedric stared down at his feet. "Alright Cedric, go get some sleep. I mean it. You're not winning anything if you don't take care of yourself." He stood up and I gave him a quick hug. "Goodnight."

I followed him into the castle stopping when I saw Madeye waiting there for me. "Professor?" He stepped forward grabbing my arm, "let me
go." I screamed, but no one would've heard me because we apparated to a completely different place. Before I had the chance to figure out where I was everything had gone black.

They call me a criminalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang