Chapter 15

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The night everyone got back from Hogsmeade, I sat for dinner with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. "Why do you all seem upset?" I asked piling food onto my plate. Harry leaned in, "Sirius Black is my godfather. He sold my parents out to Voldemort. You made me believe he was innocent." I stared at him, "when the hell did I ever say Sirius was innocent Harry?" He glared at me, "you said he wasn't like the other prisoners..." I held up my hand, "so where's the part where I straight up said he's innocent?" He shook his head, "dementors came for you because you're guilty of something as well. Did they sense Sirius on you, are you working with him?" I scoffed, "they came for you as much as they did me." He sighed, "but I've never been in Azkaban have I?" Fred shook his head, "no because you weren't old enough when your mother died to remember it, and you sure as hell weren't blamed for it. What the hell mate?"

Harry stood up, "don't you talk about my mother." I rolled my eyes, "it's alright for you to bring up my past Harry? Azkaban? As if you'd ever know what it's like to be put in there Harry. We both had shitty lives but I've ALWAYS been there for you. Through everything. I'm finding it really hard to understand how easy it is for you to betray me like that. Blame me, for something I would never do to you. I thought you were my best friend." He tried to think of a response, standing there for a moment, "you don't understand anything." I laughed taking a bite of my food, "no you're right Harry my life has been nothing but peachy. What the hell would I know? Fuck you."

He walked out of the hall without saying anything else. And I threw my fork down. "Bloody hell," Ron whispered. I got up not wanting to be near any of them. Fred started to follow but I spun around, "I need a minute, alone Fred."

I walked directly to Dumbledores office, trying my best to remember the password. "Looking for me?"
I turned to face him not entirely over the fact that he was also skeptical about me. "Can you bring Harry here?" He simply nodded, and Harry met us in the office. "I need a truth potion sir." Dumbledore opened up his drawer handing a small bottle to me. Without a second thought I chugged it back. "Ask me whatever the hell you want. Can't lie even if I wanted too."

Harry glared at me, "were you and Sirius close?" I nodded, "In Azkaban yes." He continued, "at the time did you know what he did?" I shook my head, "I thought he was a murderer that's all I knew." He sighed, "did you talk about me?" Dumbledore added, "or Hogwarts?" I nodded, "about Harry yes, I said you were my best friend, nothing else really just about everything we did together." Harry sat down, "were you completely innocent this summer?" I crossed my arms, "yes." He nodded, "so you didn't belong in Azkaban?" I stared at him, "of course not."

Dumbledore then asked me, "what would you do if your father was directly in front of you." I scoffed, "I'd kill him."

"Regardless of the fact you'd end right back in Azkaban?" I nodded, "Harry seems to think I belong there so yes."

I got up glaring at Harry, "any other questions?" He shook his head. "Good, stay the hell away from me."

I walked outside sitting back against a tree, I gathered a bunch of rocks aggressively throwing them into the water. "What are you doing out here? I saw Cedric behind me. "Rock throwing you?" He pointed to quidditch pitch, "care to join me?" I followed him to the pit watching as he took in every aspect. "You do this before every game?" He nodded, "it works trust me."

We continued walking and stoped when we saw Harry Ron and Hermione coming towards us. I pulled Cedric the other way only turning around when Hermione called my name. "Want to come to Hagrids with us? Buckbeaks being executed he could use some friends." I met Harry's eyes, "I can't, I'm sure Hagrid doesn't want criminals there." I left them standing there and Cedric caught up to me laughing. "Friend trouble?" I nodded, "clearly."
When we got to the castle he gave me a smile, "see you later Clara." I waved, "bye Cedric."

They call me a criminalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora