Chapter 6

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"They're releasing me tomorrow." I whispered shocked. Sirius hugged me and I held on tightly. "You deserve it." I smiled, folding the letter up. "What about you?" He shrugged, "what about me. Clara I'm going to be just fine." I nodded, "I'm going to miss you." He nudged me, "I'll miss you a little more."

"I'll come visit." This made him shake his head immediately, "you most definitely will not Clara, don't even give it another thought." I narrowed my eyes, "why. I can handle Azkaban." He pointed his finger at me, "No, and that's my final answer. Absolutely not. You're not bringing yourself to this horrid place to say a quick hello."

I nodded, "are we allowed to write to prisoners?" He sighed, "Clara when you get out I don't want you to think about this place again. It's not a happy place. And I know you want out more than anything. Don't jeopardize this." I bit my lip, "I won't."

When the sun started rising the next day, I heard voices coming towards the cell. "Sirius. I think that's them." He nodded wrapping his arms around me. "Be good kid." I started to panick, "what am I going to do? Where am I supposed to stay my mother is dead and my father is in Azkaban himself." Sirius smiled, "your a very smart kid Clara. I hope one day I'll see you again."

"Thank you for everything Sirius." He nodded, "goodbye Clara."

I let the guards lead me down to the entrance. There waited Dumbledore. "I would say we should head straight to Hogwarts but I think you'd like a few days at home." I gave him a small smile, "thank you sir."

When we got back I immediately opened the door asking if he'd like to come in. Dumbledore softly shook his head, "this house is being confiscated, as there are no legal age owners. Enjoy it while you can. Besides I have some very urgent matters to attend to." I raised my eyebrow, "like what?" His eyes glistened "it seems to me that the great Sirius Black has escaped."

My mouth dropped, "sir, are you being serious?" He nodded, "seeing as he is an actual murderer I do indeed have to go. Stay safe." And with that he was gone. I walked into the house shutting the door behind me. The floors were colder than usual, and it seemed so quiet, so empty.

I forced myself to walk into the kitchen, I remembered the exact spot where my mothers body collapsed. And where all the death eaters stood. I knew where my dad had his arms around my mum holding her back. And of course I remembered exactly where fudge stood when he sent me to Azkaban.

I stood at the centre of the double staircase debating which side I should use to walk up. It was a silly decision but to me it felt incredibly important in that moment. I couldn't decide and ended up walking into my mum's old room instead. I grabbed a bunch of her old clothes, and a necklace. I looked at the engraving, which had me and Pansy's birthday carved into it. I sat down on the end of the bed staring at it. "I'm so sorry mum." I whispered. I then clamped the necklace around my neck and stood up.

I continued walking around the house and stopped when I saw my reflection. My face was black and purple from Bellatrix I looked horrid. I ran my hand down my face and down to my collarbone. It was apparent how thin I'd gotten. It felt like I was a walking skeleton, like there was nothing inside of me.

The family room was the darkest room in the house, I didn't spend much time in here, as I wasn't usually wanted. I miserably kicked open the door and lay down on the couch.

For the next two days I rarely got off the couch. The feeling of defeat, and loneliness crushed my body. When I heard the door shut I quickly got up hiding behind the door in the family room. I peeked my head out only to see Professor Dumbledore and another man standing beside him.

"Hello Clara." He smiled at me. I nodded simply in return. "I think it's time you came back to Hogwarts." I bit my lip, "I haven't packed any of my things." He smiled, "that's because they're all at Hogwarts. This is professor Lupin." I studied him, he was a pale man with a scar across one of his cheeks. His robes seemed baggy and worn down, but overall seemed like a decent man. "Nice to meet you Clara." He gave me a warm smile which I did my best to return.

"It's time now Clara." I looked around one last time, disappointed I didn't see my room one last time. I grabbed Dumbledores arm and it took me a minute to recover once we landed. "The choice is yours dear, you can join the feast or head directly to your dorm. Although I'd suggest getting some food into you." He swiftly left the room leaving me and professor Lupin. "I think I'll join the feast. Care to join."

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