Chapter 86

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I waited another entire month without a word from Dumbledore until now, "Clara, Dumbledore wants to see us." I saw Harry waiting by the door for me.

I took a deep breath trying to slow my heart rate down. Shakily I forced myself up and followed him down the hall. "You look pale." I nodded, "I don't feel well."

We climbed up the stairs to Dumbledore's office. "Welcome. It's a fine evening wouldn't you say?" I looked to Harry then back to Dumbledore slowly nodding. "Harry has retrieved the memory from Slughorn and we are well on our way to hunting these horcruxes down."

I let out a shaky breath, "the diary is one. But how are we supposed to find the rest?" Dumbledore smiled, "dark magic always leaves a trail, and I belive I found another one. Harry once again I must ask too much of you. I need you to come with me to help me destroy it." He then turned to me, "Clara I need you to be waiting in the astronomy tower for when we get back." I started to protest but he held his hand up, "don't argue. I'm afraid what I'm asking of you is not optional. Come on now Harry."

Harry slowly started following him, and I shook my head, "wait." I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him, "be careful. Harry I'll always be on your team, I promise." He let out a small laugh, "I'll be back don't worry."

I watched the two of them leave and then made my way up to the astronomy tower. Dangling my feet off the edge. Harry would be back, he was right, but god only knew when I would see him again. He wouldn't even want to see me after what Dumbledore has asked me to do. He's going to want me dead himself. I spent the better half of the next hour creating the list of everyone who would hate me after I killed Dumbledore eventually the list got too long, and tears started pouring down my face.

I jumped back as I heard a bang, Dumbledore and Harry were back. "Hey," I whispered standing up. "What's wrong Clara? Why are you crying?" Dumbledore interrupted, "Harry, Severus is who I need. Tell him what happened, speak to no one else." My head spun around when a door opened and Dumbledore stood up, "hide yourself Harry, don't speak or be seen by anybody without my permission." Harry looked at me, "what about Clara?" Dumbledore shook his head, "whatever happens, it's important that you stay below. Harry do what I say. Trust me, trust me."

I held my breath as Draco slowly walked up the stairs, "go Clara." Draco whispered. I shook my head, "no." Dumbledore sighed, "good evening Draco, how are you on this fine evening?" When nobody answered he shook his head at Draco, "Draco you are no assassin." He scoffed, "how do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you." Dumbledore smiled, "like giving a cursed necklace to Kaite hoping it would be returned to me? I can't help but feeling these actions are so weak your heart could not have been truly in them."

"He trusts me, I was chosen." I fell back having to use the railing to support me, as Draco ripped his sleeve up. He had the dark mark, the father of my child was a death eater. "What the fuck," I whispered. "Clara enough. Draco I shall make this easy for you," Dumbledore held up his wand but Draco used a spell to knock it out of his hand before he could drop it.

"You're not alone. There are others." Dumbledore whispered. I started breathing faster as footsteps were running up the stairs. "Draco, years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you." Draco scoffed, "I don't want your help. Don't you understand I have to do this I have to kill you, or he's gonna kill me."
I tipped my head back praying this wasn't actually happening.

Bellatrix rounded the staircase locking eyes with Dumbledore, there were three other deatheaters behind her. "Ah look what we have here. Well done Draco." She looked at me but then returned her gaze to Draco, "do it." One of the deatheaters scoffed, "he doesn't have the stomach, just like his father. Let me do it in my own way." I slowly stepped forward grabbing Draco's other hand, "I forgive you," I softly whispered as Bellatrix shook her head at that deatheater, "NO, the dark lord made it clear the boy was to do it. Go on Draco. NOW."

I turned my head as Snape came from behind us, "no." Dumbledore locked eyes with me, "Clara. Please." I shook my head crying softly. "It's this or your child, and it's father." As soon as these worlds left his mouth I raised my wand and whispered, "Avada Kedavra."

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