Chapter 17

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Dear Tonks,
It's Clara, I need the help of an auror. I know students are not allowed to visit Azkaban, however, since I've been there, I'm asking for an exemption. I need to speak to my father, and I don't know who to ask.
-thank you

I sent the letter off and then made my way back to the common room. Everyone was sitting around the fireplace, I was hesitant to go over there I didn't want to be anywhere near Harry.

"Clara?" Fred asked waving me over. I squeezed between him and George. "Fred told us something was wrong with Pansy?" Hermione asked. I shot Fred a quick glare, "she's fine." Ron threw down his book, "Break starts tomorrow why do I have to do this now?" Harry shrugged, "so we can spend time focusing on anything but school."

George nudged me, "what's your big plan?" I sighed, "nothing yet." Hermione smiled, "except for Christmas with us of course." I nodded, "yes for sure."

I spent the night with Fred away from everyone else. "Clara? I think at this point, we're together right?" I looked up at him, staring into his eyes. I leaned toward his chest connecting our lips. He pulled me closer pinning me down. When we both pulled away he smiled, "I'm taking that as a yes?" I smiled, "of course Fred."

The next morning I got up early to say goodbye to everyone leaving. Saving Fred for last. He smirked kissing me quickly. "I have something for you love." He passed me a small box, "you should open it on Christmas." I hugged him burying my head in his shoulder, not willing to let go. "I'll miss you Clara." I squeezed his hand, "I love you Fred." He gently placed one last kiss on my forehead, "I love you more."

As soon as everyone had left I made my way down for breakfast. When owls began flying in, I searched desperate for mine. Hermione looked at me, "are you expecting a letter?" I shook my head, "it's just nice to see them all flying in." Ron laughed, "are you going mental?" I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see professor Lupin. "Looking for this?" He asked holding up a letter. I stood up, "may I have it please." He sighed, "come with me."

"How did you even know what was in that letter?" I asked. Remus shrugged, "I didn't until Dumbledore told me." I leaned forward quickly grabbing the envelope ripping it open. "Clara stop."

I ignored him continuing to open it.

Dear Clara,
Of course I'll help you. But Azkaban doesn't seem like a place anyone would want to go back to. I want you to think about this. If your positive Monday morning 8am. I've arranged it, just meet me in Dumbledores office.

"I want you to think about what you're doing." He whispered. I folded the letter, tomorrow was Monday, tomorrow I was going back to Azkaban. "I'm going." He nodded, "I'm coming with you." I shook my head, "I'm going, alone." He stopped me, "Dumbledores asked me to accompany you." I glared at him, "I don't want you there." He sighed, "Clara, I don't think this is something you should be doing." I scoffed, "I don't need your opinion on this sir. I'm sorry but I'm going. And if you want to walk through that horrid place, be my guest." He nodded, "you don't have any one telling you what you should and shouldn't do, I understand that. Which is why I'm asking you to rethink this. Be smart." I looked up at him, "no ones ever cared about what I do, and I don't need you to start now."

He continued walking and I followed. "What do you think you're going to achieve from this Clara?" I was ready to walk away. "Hopefully something." He nodded, "wouldn't you rather spend Christmas with your friends?" I shook my head, "no I would rather not be anywhere near Harry, and Ron and Hermione are attached to him." He smiled, "you could try forgiveness." I looked up, "you weren't there you don't know what he said. And sir from personal experience just don't come to Azkaban with me."

He shook his head, "that's not an option." I sighed walking away, when I got back to the common room Ron asked me if I wanted to play chess with them, I simply lied saying I was going to bed, instead pulling out a parchment writing down things I'd say to my father.

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