Chapter 44 - Guidance

Start from the beginning


Me, Aiyanna, fighting in war against supernatural creatures. Never, not even in my craziest thoughts, had I thought about this possibility.

At the mention of the words battles and wars, I felt my parents' agitation.

"War ? Okay, this whole time I was being very respectful of your history and everything but I'm not sending Aiyanna to war. Who is she supposed to fight against ?"

I looked at Billy who looked at Sam before he looked at me. He surely was aware of the existence of vampires, there was no doubt about that. But that was not the case of my dad.

I shook my head at Billy, slightly frowning my eyebrows, hoping he would understand my message.

Billy took in a breath before he answered. "Unlike werewolves, there are supernatural creatures that could be a threat to humans. They are our only foes. The ones Aiyanna, Sam and the rest of the pack that will come after them, will have to protect the human kind from."

"Who are they ?" my dad insisted.

"They are called the Cold Ones." I intervened, as I knew better than anyone what I wanted him to know or not. "They are rare. So much that they are more considered like legends. I saw it in a book I read recently." I lied.

I didn't dare look at my mom. She knew oh too well that I was lying.

I didn't want Nana to know that I befriended vampires. Not that I was shameful of my actions, but I felt like she'd never forgive me if she knew I was involved a little too much with them, considering the fact that they were our unique enemy.

To my defense, I didn't really believe in our part of the legends to begin with. How could I know that I would turn into a real werewolf and have to fight against them ?

I was pretty sure Billy already knew about them being one of the Cold Ones I talked about, but he wasn't aware of my relationship with them.

"What is the trigger ? What makes them turn ? Are they going to roam around the woods all their life ? Is there a way to control their transformation ?" my mom asked, probably worried about my future.

"Anger is the main motivator for changing. But other strong emotions could also trigger their turning." Billy told her before he looked back at Sam and I. "Contrarily to common beliefs, you do not need a full moon to turn. This is why it is very important for you to be able to control your emotions, especially around human beings."

Strong emotions.

Such as the excruciating pain I felt when he left me, in the woods. That was probably the trigger to my first transformation.

"How old are you, Aiyanna ?" Billy asked me.

"I just turned eighteen." I answered.

"So you must still attend high school." he stated, more to himself than for me. "I suggest you skip school for the rest of the week and even next week for you to get ahold on your new body and emotions. Being surrounded by lots of people right after turning is not the best idea. You will be on edge. Anything could trigger you."

I nodded.

By now, all Forks would know that I was back home. I knew that the moment I would be back, I would have to face the glances thrown my way by the entire high school. I would be forced to hear their whispers, not only about me, but also about them leaving me behind. I would hear the rumors, their questions, their heartbeats...

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