HOME: 11/10/22

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Dying leaves that will fall with the slightest breeze
Buzzing bees that will give our flowers life for spring
Growing trees that will turn every shade of green
Rising sun that will cast shadows with the trees
The wind chime is chiming
The ants are all climbing
Nature is trying
To make our nests as peaceful as they can get
Rocks all around
Dead patches of grass
Cracks in the wood on the deck that I rest
Pollen causes allergies, so does the cotton in the air
But I'm glad I have blue skies here, not gray skies like over there
Ends of branches are reaching out
Bushes that are due for a trim
The flag is waving each time it catches wind
Family seated around the T.V., it's a Football game they're watching
This may seem like just a house to you,
but it's a home to me.

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