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Filled with hundreds and hundreds of words
Long paragraphs, short stanzas
And anything and everything in between
Incorrectly punctuated and bad rhymes
Hidden truths between the lines
Music plays in the background almost every time
If not, it's the quiet cries of help
The many "I'm fine" or "I'm okay"
The lies that get typed everyday
But late at night when no one else is awake
Is the time that she really starts to think
She never stopped but at this specific time its not as good
A bottomless pit of scattered clutter getting forced into words
Screenshots get sent so some people have heard
But they don't see everything
They don't know anything
They only see what she sends
Not what all she types
Sometimes this is a happy and funny place
Other times it's as dark as stormy night
But she visits everyday
Sometimes you can see her mind slipping away
But "I'm okay"
It's what she always says, always types
But she comes back later at night and writes how she really feels
When the lights go off
The rest of the house asleep
She lets out the blizzard in her mind that she doesn't want to keep

I hold the secrets of her mind
And I will be here for her every time and every night when she decides to rant to me for the thousandth time. 

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