HEY: 12/4/21

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It's been a while
since I've written
since I've spoke
Since I've been in my notes.
I miss it.

I haven't made anything rhyme in a long time
I'm so drowned by everything that I have to do
Everything that I have to complete
I haven't had time to focus on myself and find time to write just one singular rhyme.
Isn't that sad?

But hey, my grades in my classes are good
Even though that might change
They're good right now
So at least I did that.

The thought of just not trying keeps coming back to my mind
A lot more recently than it ever has before
I wonder if it's a sign.
But I can't disappoint.

I have to try my best and give my all
Because that's what I was raised to do
I can't just give up
That's not what I was taught.
Even if it's what I want.

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