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It sounds so angry
But despite that
It's quite frankly kind of calming

It shouldn't be
Because it's so loud and randomly crashes down
But I've noticed that every time it does
A smile appears on my face

I don't know if it's weird
And just me
But storms are for some reason
Where I find my peace

The clouds are moving fast now
With a new destination in mind
Each BOOM is different
The only one of its kind

The rain pours hard now
But only in light little drops
I see and hear the splash
As it hits other spots

On and off for a long time
The thunder has past
But I can hear more coming
And as I listen I hear the wind chime

Why is the sky so angry?
It can be so gentle one second
But the next
It gets so aggressive

The wind is pushing the rain onto me
I'm no longer shielded from my canopy
But that's okay
Because it just feels like a fresh mist

The wind can't make up its mind
On which way it wants to go
The thunder left, lightning is coming
And the rain just continues to flow

What once was an ombré sky
From gray to white
Is now all the same color
But you can still see the layers moving away from each other

The lightning stops
And the thunder has ceased
The rain is gone
For now at least

I bid my goodbyes until next time
You magnificent angry sky

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