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We all live in our own worlds
Our own individual bubbles
Isolated from the grim reality
Unable to comprehend others troubles

Things all around the world are happening right now
Horrible things are currently occurring
But we are insensitive to this world
Unaware of the other problems stirring

We spend the entirety of our lives
Living in the shadows
Not having to worry about the quantity of food
Or the quantity of clothes

We have no idea what's truly happening
outside of our bubble
We only know what we've been told
But under the lies, there's a struggle

"Don't compare your problems to others" people say
But you can't say that when kids are fighting for their life everyday
Coming home to no food
Coming home to no sanctuary
They know what it's like to loose
to live without shelter and peace

I know I got drastic with the last one
But things like that exist
The world isn't all fun
Most can't wait to get out of this

Honestly that's how a lot of people think
Not wanting to float, just wanting to sink
Their minds are stuck in a cage
And They want today to be the last page

Everyone has their own struggles
We've all fought our own wars
But maybe try to open your bubble
And help others,
Even if their problems aren't yours

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