CALMING: 12/21/21

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I can hear the water steadily rippling to bay
I see the flashing of Christmas lights through the window pane
There's thick gray clouds that are floating over my head
The only sound heard is nature, which makes humanity seem dead
There are no sounds from vehicles or groups of people walking 
I can only hear the birds chirping; communicating; talking

Bumps appear on my skin as the palm trees continue to wave
When people say life gets better, this is it; this is the way
Sitting in a chair, on a dock, only one in sight
Listening to nature rustle and rumble; watching  as clouds pass by
The dark blue becomes an ombré to grey and then the gray to a pink tint
The clouds, the trees, the waves, carry a chilly but light mist

The hairs on my arms have now been called to attention
The flags and trees together as one, are letting go of the tension

The reflection of lights on the water reach my eyes and bring in an abundance of color
Looking out beyond the buildings, the sky seems to have a gray, dark void around it
But the lights in the water are alive, and they always have been, but we were to careless to notice it.

Using the time I've been given with quietness and peacefulness
I've learned that when I get restless to come out to a quiet abyss and watch as nature too, becomes restless

We all have our moments when we get a little out of control,
But you are not alone in this world
Even nature gets dark sometimes
So go out and find a quiet abyss and focus on how much the water too, is alive.

Just Look a Little closer
Listen a little harder
Relax your mind, and stop thinking about what all you've been wanting
Then, just maybe, you will be able to see what makes this world so calming.

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