DEATH ISN'T FAIR: 06/27/22

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Written for a friend who passed away at 16 due to a seizure.

Death is an interesting concept.

What I mean by that is old people, they are expected to die. It is the end of their life, they have lived their life, now it's their time to depart. Everyone knows that old people die.

People that live dangerously, people that don't wear their seat belt in a car when it's going 70 mph have a greater chance of dying than someone who is being safe. They are more likely for a fatal accident to happen than just a simple car crash. Everyone knows that people that do stupid shit die. 

Everyone knows that people who smoke die. Everyone knows that people who walk on the road at pitch black midnight wearing dark clothes die. Everyone knows that people who go 85 mph in a 55 mph speed limit die. Everyone knows that people who ride motorcycles without a helmet die. Everyone knows that people die from making bad decisions.

But what decides when the innocent ones die?

I know science can prove and answer all the questions I'm about to ask. But i don't care because it still doesn't make sense to me.

What decides who can survive a heart attack and who can't. What decides why some smokers get cancer and some that have been smoking for much, much, longer don't. What decides that out of all the seizures a kid has had, this is the one that is taking them out. This is the storm that's going to kill the power.

This is the final strike of the game. The final page of a book. The final stage in a play.
This is the end. But what decides that.

This is the car that the drunk driver decides to crash into. That's not fair that this car, out of all the cars the drunk driver has passed, is going to be the one they hit. It's not fair that after already having 8 seizures and being fine afterwards, that this one in the middle of the night is the one that kills.

Sometimes death makes sense, other times, it makes no sense at all.

My PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora