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Free verse

I like you.
Well, I mean I think I do. There are some days where I want nothing more than to constantly talk to you or maybe even hold you. But then there's others days where I can't fathom the idea of having to like someone in that way. I can call my friends hot and beautiful, but when it's time to say it to you, I stutter. I can't say it because the words hold a different meaning when I'm talking to you, compared to when I'm talking to them. I mean, you are hot and beautiful, and everything else. But for some reason I simply can't get those words out of my mouth without thinking about how different I feel when I say those words to you. I think I like you because I always wait for you to text back. And when you don't, I send more just in case you didn't know how to respond to the first thing. I've never cared about where people are at, or if they've been active recently on social media, but for some reason, when it comes to you, I can't stop checking. I think I like you because I've never more obsessed with anything in my life. It's worrisome and I hate it, but I can't control it. It's like my brain is begging for the knowledge that only you can provide.  I hate this. Because I'm scared of commitment, failure, and trying new things. But I think I like you. I don't know what to do with that information. So for now, it's going stay here in peace, or until the feeling leaves.

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