CLOUDS: 4/8/21

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Fluffy white clouds
Up in the sky
Not a care in the world
They're just passing by

They go in a cycle
Never fully knowing
Whether it might pour
Or whether it will just add to the beauty of this world

They're unpredictable
But they're in their own world
Far away from anything
And everyone

Lucky clouds

They get to explore and see the world
While people live their lives looking around
But the clouds, are always looking down
at the beautiful world that they are a part of

Clouds help the flowers to grow
They help to protect things against the heat
They bring the beautiful snow
That we watch to the tip of our nose

And they still get to travel and visit many places
Deciding Where to show their divine faces
Deciding which place gets the water they've saved

Clouds are so beautiful
They can be thin, thick
Fluffy or full
Big, small
They can be it all

Lucky clouds

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