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            Win leads them down a path towards a small clearing in the forest. The trees around the clearing all have slash marks in them. " This is where we train with daggers and other sharp objects " Win tells them. He looks around at the trees. He can easily tell that whoever made the slash marks on the trees were training hard. He plans on doing the same.

Once they reach one of the trees, Win says " Let's start training. Would you guys like for me to give you an example at how to use the dagger ". So they both quickly nod. Excited to see Win using the dagger. They both watch him very closely as he walks towards the tree before he quickly slices the tree before stabbing his dagger into the tree.

Both of them look towards him amazed. When Win calls them over they hurriedly run to him. " These are the three slices I made into the tree " Win says as he points to three cuts in the tree. " Why did you stab it into the tree as well P'Win " he asked as he curiously looks at the dagger stuck in the tree. " Several people only use the dagger for slicing their opponents. However that's not the only use for a dagger. It can work just as well when you stab it into your opponent. Maybe even more deadly then when you use a dagger to slice something " Win explained before turning back to the dagger.

" An important thing to keep note of is how you remove the dagger from whatever you stab it in. If you guys have used a bow and arrow before it's just like removing the arrow from the target. You make an L shape right below and next to where the dagger is stuck in before you carefully pull it out. You do it this way in order to keep yourself safe from the blade. It can also make it easier to pull the dagger out " Win explains before turning back to them.

" Are you guys ready to try it on your own for a bit " Win asked them. They both nod their heads before heading to the opposite side of the small clearing, to their own tree to practice on. He looks towards Diao and watches as he starts to train using the dagger. " You are pretty good Diao " Win says. " Thank you " Diao says happily before he goes back to training.

He turns to look at the tree before looking back down at the dagger. Unsure of where or how to start. " Here let me help you " he hears Win say to him before coming over to him. When Win reaches him he makes him stand with one leg in front of him while the other is in the back. " This is how you are going to want to stand while using your dagger. It will allow you to put more strength into your swing " Win says before grabbing his arm gently. " Keep your arm like this when you swing your arm. You should also pull your arm back like this before you swing towards your opponent " Win says as he gently pulls his arm back. " When you swing you want to use all of your strength. If you were to not pull your arm back and just swing towards your opponent it won't have enough strength. Understand " Win says before backing away from him.

He nods his head before doing exactly what Win tells him to do. He then swings his arm towards the tree and slices it. When he's done he looks back towards Win " Did I do it correctly " he asked nervously. Win smiles at him before saying " You did it perfectly Kuea. Well done. Real soon you can get pretty good at using the dagger ". He smiles before turning to look back at the tree excited.

Getting told that he did it perfectly makes him extremely happy. He's never been told something like that while training. He's never even been taught with such kindness before. " Go ahead and try to slice into the tree a couple of more times. When you want to learn how to stab the tree call me back over to you. I'm going to go see if Diao needs any help. Ok Kuea " Win says in a gentle voice. So he turns back to Win and smiles. " Ok, I will! Thank you P'Win for helping me and teaching me how to do it " he says. Win nods his head before turning around to go help Diao.

            After training for around 2 hours, Kuea feels comfortable with how to slice using the dagger. So he turns to look at where Win is currently training as well. " P'Win. I have become comfortable with how to slice using the dagger. Can you teach me how to stab the tree with it now " He asked, getting Win's attention.

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now