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            Once back inside, Diao makes him go back to his room and sit down on the bed. Jane is quick to reattach the long IV tube to the needle in his hand. She also starts giving him more fluids.

             He pulls Diao to sit down on the bed next to him. " He heard the conversation Diao. As soon as you were gone he sat right up. He hasn't talked at all since then. We can't get him to talk to us " Hia Lian says quietly. Afraid that Diao would hear this and run, he tightly grabs ahold of his arm. " fuck. I didn't want him to ".

Diao holds his hand on top of his. " He talked outside. But he only said ok and it was very quiet, I almost didn't hear him " Diao says quietly. " We think it's because of guilt. When asked. He took his bandage off and pointed at his wrist. After that he crawled his way on to the ground and grabbed the photobook pointing at it. Like it was a reason " Black says.

            " He's also had a nightmare but we haven't found out anything about it yet " Hia Lian says. " Actually I think I know something. The way he reacted when the blood bag was in front of him. I think blood was a big part of the nightmare he had " Black says. Everyone's attention turns to him.

            He looks over at Diao before looking down at his stomach, where he was pierced by a weapon in his nightmare. His hands slightly shake as he lifts one up and holds it against his stomach. " Oh god " Diao says. " But you said it was different than the other nightmares you have been having " Hia Lian asks confused.

            " It was. They both just have Diao getting injured in them " Win says. " Killed " he says in an almost inaudible voice. He can feel Diao become tense. He moves his hand off of Diao's stomach, setting both his hands in his lap.

            " Can you tell us your nightmare. Please Kuea. We ar worried about you " Hia Yi asks gently. He just planned on not talking tell Diao was by his side again. So why is it so hard for him to talk now.

            He takes a deep breath, trying to get himself to talk like he normally does. " I-it " he manages to quietly stutter. He finds this situation incredibly frustrating. What's going on with him right now. He rubs his head frustratedly.

            He forces himself to take a deep breath before trying again. " I-it " is all he manages to stutter again. He's so incredibly angry that he can feel himself wanting to cry. " You're having trouble speaking. Even though you're trying to get yourself to " Jane says, as if she knows everything that's going on with him.

            " Is there a reason for it " Diao asks concerned. " The only reason I can think of is because even though he feels ready to speak again. There's a part of his consciousness stopping him. There might be two different reasons that he stopped talking. Or there could be one and it's bigger then he thinks it is " Jane says.

            " It's not your fault that I was comparing myself to that vampire. What you did when you brought the photos and yelled at me, was what needed to happen. I needed you to yell at me and you did "  Diao says to him. He only sighs in frustration.

            " The thing he's been struggling the most with. Is how you sacrificed yourself for him. Since he woke up from his change that's been the thing constantly on his mind. He doesn't get why you did it for him " Top says. " That's true. Every issue he struggles with always seems to some how be connected to him thinking about your sacrifice " Black says. They are talking as if he's not right there next to him.

            " It happened in slow motion for me. Time seemed to slow down as I saw your father approaching you. I immediately knew what he going to do when I saw him " Diao says quietly. He listens closely to what Diao is saying. He's getting the answers he's been wanting to hear most.

            " I knew there was no stopping him because he was to close. So in that moment I decided to do what I thought would be the best thing to do. Which was to be the one killed by him " Diao says quietly.

            Hearing Diao talk about it has turned all his anger into sadness. It's so hard to listen to. " But why did you decide on that " Win asks. " I got to experience what it's like to have friends and be cared for by more then just Kuea.

            " Hia Yi, P'Top and Hia Lian all showed me what it's like. Kuea has only ever had me. He has yet to experience happy moments like normal teenagers get to ". He knows what Diao's about to say and he doesn't want to hear it.

            " I sacrificed myself so that he could get to experience it. I knew you'd guys would show him what it's like. Just like how you showed me. Sure he would be sad because I died. But in the end he'd  get to have a life where people cared about him " Diao says.

            He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Trying to stop himself from breaking down yet again. " I-Idiot " he stutters out as he lightly shoves Diao. " S-stupid " he stutters. How can Diao just make that decision. There's no way he could have continued living without him.

            He takes a deep breath before forcing words out. " H-how could you do that " he manages to say frustratedly. He's unable to stop himself from breaking down. " I-I need you " he shouts. " I'm sorry. I acted so quickly that I didn't really think how you'd feel " Diao says.

            " Y-you made a promise. You said you'd be right by my side when we got out " he shouts. " I know, I know. I'm sorry " Diao says. He hits Diao's chest roughly. " Why is that the reason! Why is it that for my own good, you felt the need to give up your life for me " he shouts as he clings on to Diao.

           " I'm sorry " Diao says, wrapping his arms around him. " M-my hands and shirt were covered in your blood. I held you while you were on the brink of death. If Hia Yi hadn't come when he did! If I hadn't remembered that we could be turned! You wouldn't be here right now " he shouts.

            " I thought. You had died in my arms " he says quietly as he becomes dizzy. " Kuea " Diao says concerned, pulling his body away from him. " Kuea, are you ok " Diao says concerned.

            He feels someone grab him as everything starts to spin around him. " Kuea, Buddy I need you to talk to me " he hears Top say. " D-Diao " he says in an almost inaudible voice as he closes his eyes.

WC: 1176

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now