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              As soon as Kuea walks back inside of the house, he's pulled into a tight hug by Win. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry " he says, holding back his tears. " Don't be, we forced you to do something that you were uncomfortable with. We just wanted to get your pain to stop " Win says quickly as he gently pats his back.

            " I can't handle it. Everything is to hard to handle. I don't know what to do " he says as he hugs Win back. " It's ok. You don't have to say anything. I already know. You have to much stress. We'll find a way to help you " Win says, pulling away from the hug.

            Win holds his hand against his forehead. " You're burning up Kuea. Let's have you sit down next to Lian ok. I'll get you some medicine " Win says as he guides him to the dining room. Once he's there Win makes him sit down. He tries to avoid eye contact with Hia Lian's parents.

            " Kuea sweetheart " he hears Hia Lians mother say. So he hesitantly looks up towards her. " Y-yes " he says quietly. " You're really brave. I want you to know that. You've been through so much in such a short time " she says. " Thank you ma'am " he says quietly.

            " There's no need to call me that. Just call me Jane. And call Lians father Lee " Jane says. " Ok, Jane " he says quietly at the same time that Win comes back over towards them. " Alright, take this medication Kuea " Win says. So he quickly takes the medicine before drinking water that Win brought him.

            Once he's done drinking water, Hia Lian makes him lean on to his shoulder. " Put this under your tongue " Hia Lian says. So he listens. When it beeps Hia Lian looks at the temperature. " It's 37°c (100°f), so it's a little high " Hia Lian says to Win.

            " He can get better quickly if he drinks some blood " Lee says, causing him to freeze. Are they going to make him drink blood again, he thinks to himself. " Honey that's not the best idea. You saw how hard it was for him to drink Lians blood " Jane says. " I know but his body needs to be healthy for him to adjust to being a noble vampire, easier " Lee says.

            " I-It's harder for me to drink directly from someone compared to a blood bag " he stutters quietly. " Are you ok with drinking some blood " Top asks as he sets his now clean dagger down in front of him. " I-I can try " he quietly stutters. " Lian you have some of your blood stored in blood bags right " Lee says.

            " I forgot about that. I'll go get one " Hia Lian says before standing up and leaving the dining room. He takes a shaky breath and grabs his dagger. " Thank you for cleaning it P'Top " he says quietly. " No problem " Top says, gently patting his back.

            When Hia Lian gets back he sits down next to him again. " Here kitten " Hia Lian says, handing him the blood bag. He hesitantly takes it before opening the blood bag. Almost immediately he's able to smell the blood. He takes a deep breath before bringing it up to his mouth. He then slowly begins to drink it, closing his eyes as he does so. So that he can pretend it's anything but blood.

            Once he's done drinking the blood, he sets the now empty blood bag on the table. " Good job Kuea. I'm really proud of you for doing that " Win says. The praise helps him feel a little better. " I don't want to worry about being sick on top of everything else. I just " he pauses. Not really wanting to continue because he knows he will cry again. And he's already cried several times today.

            Everyone's looking at him like they expect him to continue. So he just says " I wish Diao was awake ". Top gently pats his back and says " He'll be awake soon. He's already woken up for the first time. So we just have to play the waiting game ".

            " I can't wait any longer. I need him P'Top. I need him to wake up and tell me everything's going to be ok " he says as he starts to cry. " Is there a reason why you want him to specifically say that " Top asks gently. " He always does when things get to hard " he say quietly.

            It becomes silent for a while until he finally speaks up again. " I don't even know if I can see him laying on the bed without remembering what happened " he says as he looks down at his hand that was covered in Diao's blood back at the fight.

            Win gently closes his hand and holds on to it. " How about you try and go see him. It might actually help you " Win says gently. He can only nod his head before Win pulls him up, gently guiding him towards the room.

            Once they get to the room and Win opens the door, his eyes immediately look towards Diao. Who is still sleeping peacefully as his body tries to adjust to the change. When he walks into the room, Black grabs ahold of him. Pulling him to the opposite side of the bed that Diao is on.

            " You're clearly exhausted and need rest Kuea " Black says, making him sit down on the bed. " It would be good for him to sleep here with Diao. So it can bring him some comfort " Win says. He looks between them a little confused. " What do you mean " he asks quietly.

            " We all discussed it earlier and think that you should sleep here next to Diao for a bit " Hia Yi says gently. " But someone else needs to be here then. So they can make sure everything is going ok " he says quickly. Black forces him to lay down on the bed before putting the blanket over him.

            " He's ok Kuea. He's just sleeping and getting rest as of right now. But you however, are in a worse condition then Diao is in. You are exhausted and to stressed right now. So get some sleep. We will be right in the dining room if you need our help " Black says gently. He can only nod his head. He knows there's no use in fighting with them.

            So he watches as they all leave the room.  Once they are gone he turns to face Diao, gently grabbing onto one of his hands. " Please wake up soon. I need you " he whispers quietly as he begins to silently cry. " I can't handle everything alone " he whispers.

           He continues to whisper things to Diao, just asking for him to wake up. He does it until he finally starts to fall asleep. Never once does he let go of Diao's hand. Not even when he's sleeping.

WC: 1148

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang