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            When Kuea wakes up he feels like his whole body is on fire. While all the noises around him are incredibly loud causing him even more pain. He starts to scream as he cries from the pain. He doesn't know what's happening and he's terrified. He's in so much pain.

        People rush into the room and over to him but he is unable to recognize anyone. He can only focus on how his body feels like it's on fire.
" Kuea! Bite my wrist and drink Kuea " he hears someone shout loudly. " It hurts! It hurts to much! I want Hia " he screams loudly before he shoves the person away from him. He starts to pull his hair. Wanting the pain to go away. " Kuea you need to drink my blood " he hears the person shout again.  However in his mind he is back at the guild's main building.

        " Hia " he screams again. " Hia help me please " he cries out. " Kuea I'm right here! Hia is right here " he hears the person say. He doesn't believe them. He thinks this is some trick. Like they are torturing him for making Mrs.Jennie angry. " Me and Top are going to hold him down Lian. You need to force him to drink your blood in some way " the person says before he feels someone grab his arms while another grabs his legs. So he starts to struggle. Becoming filled with terror as he continues to cry.

        He then feels someone forcefully keep his mouth open before pouring some sort of liquid into his mouth. And slowly but surly the pain and loud noises start to go away. And he feels himself starting to become exhausted.

        When he feels everyone let go of him he hears someone say " Get some sleep kuea. Your body is exhausted right now ". And for some unknown reason he listens to them and falls asleep.

        This time when Kuea wakes up his body in only in a little bit of pain and he's able to recognize where he is. He is also able to remember what happened. " Diao " he says quietly before forcing himself to sit up. He needs to find Diao. To make sure that he's ok.

When he stands up and walks over to the door he freezes. Hearing someone crying. " He'll be ok. They both will. You saw how strong they were. Especially how strong Kuea was " he hears Win say. So he slowly opens the door and walks out of the room. He uses the hallway wall to help support his body.

        " W-where's Diao " he stutters quietly. Immediately catching everyone's attention.
" You're awake " Hia Lian says before rushing over to him. " Where is he. I want to see Diao. Hia please " he begs Hia Lian. " He's in his and Hia Yi's room. I don't think it's a good idea for you to go in there right now " Hia Lian says, upsetting him.

            " I need to Hia! Don't stop please " he begs. " H-he was bleeding so much. I need to make sure he's ok " he says desperately. When Hia Lian doesn't respond he pushes past Hia Lian, walking in the direction of Hia Yi's and Diao's room.

            Win is quick to his side, helping him walk. " You can see him for a little bit. Your body is still really weak and adjusting to the change " Win says gently, helping him walk towards the room. The closer they get the more he can hear Hia Yi and Top talking.

            When the door opens, his eyes immediately look towards Diao. Who looks as if he's sleeping peacefully. It upsets him to know that's not what is happening. " Kuea, You're awake " Top says. He doesn't respond. He only moves past everyone. He walks to the side of the bed.

            The longer he looks at Diao, the more he remembers how he felt when he thought Diao was going to die. How he became filled with so much rage. " Kuea " he hears Black say concerned. Top brings a chair for him to sit down in.

            As he sits down, he starts to cry. In that moment he feels so helpless. He blames himself for Diao getting hurt as bad as he did. He was the one to kill his mother. Yet Diao was the one to pay the consequences. If he had just turned around quicker, then Diao wouldn't be in the condition that he's currently in.

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat