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" After Kuea finished telling me, I told him about how in the past I thought the same thing. And that you had helped me get through that time. So I told him that it would be good to have you come here and talk with him " Win says, informing Top.

" This is something that you both unfortunately have thought about yourself. Most people when they say something that they really regret saying to someone, they apologize. However some think negatively like the both of you did " Top says gently.

He leans back against Win, silently asking for him to hug him and keep him comfort. Win is quick to understand what he wants, wrapping his arms around him. " You and Diao have been there for each other when no one else was. You've constantly relied on each other for support. And when you both went through a very traumatic situation, you both saw how it effected the other person and tried your best to help the other through their trauma " Top says.

He bites his lip as he listens to Top speak. " You saw how traumatized Diao was because of the study. You have even seen footage from the study happening. By watching the way you guys are with each other. I can tell that you always try to make sure Diao is ok and happy. Even on your first day of school you yelled at Hia Yi for messing with Diao " Top says.

" With just the possibility of Diao thinking about the study or struggling because of it. You immediately drop everything to make sure he's ok and to help him get better. This was proven when Diao needed more of Hia Yi's blood " Top says.

He frowns at the memories from that day. " When hearing Diao compare himself to the vampire from his study, you're mind went into autopilot and panic. In your head the first thing you thought about was how you argued with him and yelled at him while he was going through that ". Top is explaining everything perfectly, as if he was the one who is going through what he is.

" In your head you said something so horrible and made Diao think worse about himself. Instead of being there to help him stop comparing himself to the vampire. Whether you know it or not. In the past at some point, you made yourself a promise to make sure he never thinks about that study and if he does, then to get him through it " Top says.

Did he make that promise to himself? He never noticed before, he thinks to himself. " You're thinking of yourself as the issue for this situation. Like you are the problem to cause him to think that way and that anytime you speak to him, you cause problems. So as a result of the promise you made, you came up with a solution. You decided to not speak to or be around Diao while he gets through this ".

" In your head, that's the best thing that you could do for him. When that's far from the truth. He needs you to be there for him, now more then ever. However, your thought evolved from just making a problem for Diao, to making problems for everyone. Which just like the situation with Diao, it's in no way your fault ".

" I don't know how your solution went from just Diao to everyone. You probably don't even know yourself. But your belief that you only cause problems when you speak, is so strong. That even if you want to talk to everyone, your subconscious is stopping you from doing it " Top says.

The whole time he listens to Top talk, he's silently crying. " You have been through so many traumatic situations that your mind causes you to think this way. The way you're thinking is a trauma response " Top says gently. He looks down at his hands as he processes everything that Top is telling him.

" Kuea " Top says, so he looks back up at him. " When you are talking with everyone, you bring laughter and cheer. When you talk about your struggles or try to express your emotions, you show us how strong and brave you are. You never cause any problems when you talk " Win says gently. He has never heard Top or anyone else talk with such a gentle tone.

" Everyone is going to help you get through this. We are all going to help you talk with others and learn that when you talk, you don't cause problems. We are going to show you the truth " Top says with the same gentle tone. Top's voice is filled with so much kindness and care. It makes him believe what he says.

" S-Show me, please " he quietly says. " We will show you " Win says from behind him. He nods his head. " Will you be ok if we let the others know the reason " Top asks gently.

" D-Diao, he'll blame himself " he says quietly. " Then we will let him know that it's a result of the traumatic situations you've been through " Top says gently. So he nods his head.

He watches as Top stands up before holding out his hands towards him. " Ready " Top asks with a smile. He takes a deep breath before grabbing on to Top's hands. Top pulls him up to stand. " Me and Win will be right there with you while everything is talked about. If you need a break at all and want to leave the room. Just give me or Win a look and we will take you out of there for a break " Top says.

He nods his head before asking " Can I try to tell them. To see how much I can talk ". Win smiles at him and says " Of course. Just let us know if we need to take over the talking ". He nods his head. " Let's go then " Top says, leading him out of the room and towards the dining room. Where the others are.

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Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora