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" Watch where you are going new kid! Can you not see " someone shouts as he accidentally bumps into him. Making him drop all of his books. " Sorry " he says as he starts to pick up his books. " Hey Kuea, sorry about him. That was Hia Lian. One of the top four popular kids here. He's always been really cold and rude to others " he hears someone say.

       When he looks up he sees Kon Diao. " Oh hi Diao. It's fine, I'm used to this happening. It always did at my old school that I used to go to. So it's nothing new " he says as Diao hands him his books. " Thank you " he says. Diao smiles at him and asked " What's your locker number Kuea. I'll show you where it's at before classes start ". He smiles and says " Thank you, it's locker number 301 ".

When he says the number he can see Diao's eyes slightly widen. " What's wrong Diao " he asked a little worried. " Your locker is right next to the most popular kids lockers. At the very end of the hall " Diao said. He lets out a sigh. " Of course it is. Just show me to my locker please. Schools going to start soon. I don't want to be late for my first class when it's only my first day here " he say's tiredly. Diao nods before walking towards his locker.

It's only a 4 minute walk from where they were which was good. Considering that's where his first class was near. " Here's your locker Kuea. I'll hold your books so that you can open your locker and put them inside " Diao says as he takes his books. " Thank you Diao " he said before turning to his locker and unlocking it. " Well what do we have here " an unfamiliar voice says.

He turns to Diao and grabs his books before holding on to his chemistry book and closing his locker. " Ow, stop it Hia Yi " he hears Diao complain so he turns to look at what's happening. When he does he gets frustrated. He sees someone taller picking on Diao. " Leave him alone man. Didn't you hear him say stop " he says.

" And who might you be " Hia Yi asked. " No one you need to know. Now stop messing with my friend " he says as he pulls Diao closer to him and away from Hia Yi. " Ooo the new kids feisty " he hears someone else say before feeling someone grab his arm from behind him.

Turning around quickly he shoves the person away. " Don't touch me " he says as he glared at the person. " Kuea lets just go to class. Please " he hears Diao quietly beg. He turns around to grab Diao's wrist gently before pulling him down the hallway. Hia Yi and the other person follow them.

" Aw Diao where are you going. Are you leaving me to be with the new Kid " Hia Yi says. Causing Diao to turn around and say " We were never together! You just like to mess with me ".
He turns around to look at Hia Yi and the other person. " Top I think the new kids a bad influence on your Diao " he hears Hia Yi say. Which clearly makes Diao nervous.

" Stupid " he whispers before quickly turning around to walk away. However he walks right into something hard. Causing him to stumble back. Making Hia Yi and Top laugh. " Kuea " Diao says quickly before trying to pull him away towards their class quickly. Only for his wrist to be grabbed harshly and pulled back by someone. " Didn't I tell you to watch where you are going new kid " the person said. Who he immediately remembers as Hia Lian.

Everyone in the hallway stops to look towards them. Only making him feel more frustrated. " Maybe you shouldn't stand so close behind someone. You can't expect people to just move and give you space to walk " he says angrily while trying to get his wrist free from Hia Lian's grip.

He hears everyone around them gasp. Even Hia Yi and Top. " Interesting " Hia Lian says quietly. " Sorry for my friend. He's new so he's not used to how things work at this school " Diao says quickly, apologizing for him. " Why are you apologizing to this jerk Diao " he said as he turns quickly to look at Diao. " Because he knows how things work around here kitten " Hia Lian said as they make eye contact. He glared at him. " Do not call me kitten " he said as he continued to get free from his grasp.

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now