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             For most of the car ride to the hospital Top and Win were telling him stories about themselves. While he would tell them stories about himself. When they would start talking about stories about the both of them, he would tell them stories about him and Diao.

            He's enjoyed the car ride with Top and Win. Time seemed to fly right past them and he enjoyed it. He's never been able to just tell story after story about himself or about him and Diao. And to make it better, while telling the stories. Win and Top would add remarks or ask questions about what he was saying. Letting him know that they are listening to him talk.

            They only stopped telling each other stories from their past when they arrived at the hospital. Because when they arrived, they all knew that it would start to become hard for him. " If you want to wait in the car. Just let us know and one of us will walk back to the car and stay with you, ok Kuea " Win says gently. He nods his head before looking out the window.

            He's never seen so many monsters before. All the monsters he had learned about while growing up, were now in front of him. And if he's honest, he finds it both amazing and terrifying. He's only ever heard facts or stories about monster attacks on humans.

            " Ready to get out " Win asks him, pulling him from his thoughts. " Y-yeah " he quietly says as he unbuckles his seatbelt. He only leaves the car once Top and Win are out of it. And when he gets out, he immediately moves to Top's side.

            " Monsters hurting other monsters is a serious crime. If someone tries to hurt another monster, they will be taken into custody. Similar to the human police system. So you have nothing to fear. After all, you're one of the most dangerous monsters " Top tells him as they walk towards the front of the hospital. " Sometimes I forget that noble vampires are the most dangerous monsters " he says quietly.

            As they reach the front of the hospital, someone bumps into him. " Ah, I'm so sorry " the person says. He turns around to look at them. " It's ok, it's was an accident " he says as he makes eye contact with the person. When he does, he immediately notices their yellow eyes.

            He freezes, instantly recognizing the person as a werewolf. " A-are you alright. I'm sorry " the werewolf says quickly. " I-I'm fine. H-have a nice day " he barley manages to say as he quickly walks into the hospital. Top follows him inside while Win waits back with the werewolf.

            " Deep breaths " Top gently says to him, pulling him off to the side away from everyone. He listens and forces himself to take a deep breath. " What you just did was amazing Kuea. I'm really proud of you. You handled that situation perfectly " Top says to him with a smile.

            He looks down at his shaking hands. " Not all werewolves are bad. Not all of them will hurt me. I-I'm safe " he whispers to himself quietly. " You're safe " Top repeats him gently. He nods his head before taking another deep breath.

            " Kuea, I told her your history with werewolves. She offered to help you recover in any way she can " Win says gently as he walks over to him. He turns to look towards Win and notices the werewolf standing off to the side at a far distance.

            " S-She wants to help " he quietly says. " She does. We can have a small and short conversation with her. Do you want to try it " Win asks him. He looks back at Top to see him smiling gently. Turning back to Win, he takes a deep breath.

            " I-I came here to overcome and see how far I can go. I-If she's willing, I am willing to try and talk with her " he says quietly. Win holds out his hand for him to grab. Hesitantly, he grabs ahold of Win's hand before slowly waking over to the werewolf with him.

            " H-Hello " he says quietly. " Hello dear, it's nice to meet you. My names Sydney " the women says, smiling at him. " I-It's nice to meet you as well. M-My name is Kuea " he says before hesitantly holding out his hand for her to shake.

            The women smiles gently as him before shaking his hand. She lets go of it quickly after. " You're really brave. Do you know that " the women says. A small smile makes it's way to his face. " Thank you. It means a lot " he says quietly. " I'm sorry you had to go through what you did. I hope that my impression can show you that there is kind werewolves out there " she says gently.

            He shakes his head. " E-even though the werewolf did what he did. He was starved and tortured because of hunters. A-And you left a good impression by being as nice as you are from the start. S-So thank you " he says quietly.

            " Im glad I did. I hope that you will have a steady recovery from what happened " the women says before checking her watch. Now I better get going. Im supposed to meet my husband in the waiting room " she says. So he says goodbye to her and watches as she leaves.

            When she's gone he takes a deep breath. That went a lot better then he thought it would have gone. " Im so proud of you Kuea " Win says. " So am I, you were so brave just now " Top says. He smiles and quietly says " There's nice ones out there ".

            Top smiles before guiding him into the hospital and down a long hallway. " I remember you asking me about where we get blood in the past. Now you can see it in person " Win says, lightly laughing. " Yeah, I was just curious about noble vampires then. Who would have thought I'd turn into one ", he says the last part quietly so that only Win and Top could hear.

            " Well it's just like they say, curiosity killed the cat " Top says, making both him and Win laugh as they enter a large open room. " Win, it's nice to see you " he hears someone say as they enter the room.

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Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now