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Win grabs ahold of his hand. " I'm glad that I can make you feel that way. It's exactly how a mothers love should feel like. Im glad that I'm turning out to be a parental figure for you. I hope you know, that I do care for you like a mother cares for their child " Win says before he starts to wipe his chest with the wet rag.

" You know, he might seem really calm about saying this now. But knowing Kuea, he's going to be really embarrassed about it when he feels better " Top says, smiling. " That is for future me to figure it out. The me of right now just wants to feel better and be with everyone ".

" Alright so we know how he is when sick. He gets all mushy and clingy " Top says. " I think it's cute " Hia Lian says lightly laughing. " You find anything that makes me embarrassed or flustered cute " he says before turning to Jane.

" Do you know what your son did on my first day at the school " he says, making Jane laugh. " Do tell, what did he do " Jane says. " He was so angry about something but the moment he saw I wouldn't treat him like a king, he started to tease me and do whatever he can to fluster me " he says. Causing Jane, Win and Top to laugh.

" I didn't expect you to treat me like a king " Hia Lian says in disbelief. " Really? Because the moment I started talking back to you, everyone in the school gasped. Even P'Top and Hia Yi. And what did you say in response to that. You just said Interesting " he says.

            " He gets that from his father " Jane says laughing. " In all honesty it was hilarious to see someone not be afraid to yell and be rude to Lian. It's also funny because he made that cute nickname for you " Top says laughing.

           " It's not cute. It's literally made to tease me. That whole day was just a mess of you guys teasing me. Calling me special for catching the eye of the ever so cold Hia Lian. That no girl can seem to impress " he says, making everyone laugh.

            " You know, after Hia Lian, P'Top is the one to tease me the most. Especially during fitness class after we ran the mile " he says. " What did he say " Hia Lian asked curiously. So he turns to look at him. " He said you'd enjoy how fast I could run. And as if that wasn't enough. Both him and Hia Yi told you how I thought about myself ".

            " I didn't mean to scare you. I was just angry ok " Hia Lian says. " Get your anger under control. Do the others even know what you did when they told you I thought that I wasn't special. How you quote literally out a dent in the tiled wall " he says.

            " Another one. Seriously Lian " Jane says. " That's normal " he quietly says in disbelief. " Yes. But what did he do. We never got told. As far as we knew you fell and hurt yourself more which was why you cried " Top says before pausing. " Wait, you made him cry! Dude " Top says.

            " I know I know. I'm an idiot " Hia Lian says. " All I got to say, was that I knew you were a monster from day one. You're bad at hiding it. And once I found out about Hia, I knew that P'Top and Hia Yi were monsters as well " he says.

            " Did you have any idea on what type of monster though " Hia Lian asked. " No, which is why I had such a horrible reaction like I did. For all I knew, you could be the monster I fear most " he says quietly as he holds his hand over his scar from the werewolf.

            The mood in the room changes from a light one to a more gloomy mood after what he says. " There's no werewolves at the school " Hia Lian says as he starts to gently play with his hair. " My nightmare " he says quietly before pausing.

            Top grabs ahold of his hand as if to comfort him and encourage him to open up. " Part of it was the start of the study. While the last part ". He finds it incredibly difficult to actually talk about it. He doesn't think that he's ever told them about the specifics of the study.

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now