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            Once they make it to the police station they quickly head to the front desk. " Oh my, what happened to you " the officer said as they looked at him. " My parents did this to me " he says quietly. He can see the officers eyes fill with worry. " Is it just you here to report something or someone else as well " the officer asked. So Diao walked up next to him and said " I'd like to report my parents as well. We both have evidence to support our claims ".

           He watches as the officer calls for someone. It doesn't take long for a man to walk over to them. " Can you all follow me please. I'd like to know more about your situation and how we can help " the man says. So they follow him into the back of the station. Heading into a small room that looks like it was made for kids.
" Take a seat " the man says as he points to a large table near the back. So they listen.

           He watches as the man gets a laptop before coming to sit down at the table with them. He's getting nervous around the man. He seems suspicious like he's hiding something. Trying not to get caught by them. " Alright. How about we start with you. Tell me your name and why you are covered in bruises and cuts " the man asked. So he says " My name is Kuea Keerati. My family is in a fighting group. They are famous so they put a lot of pressure on me to be strong and be just like them. However I'm weak and not strong enough. So they make me train almost everyday non stop until it's hard for me to stand up again. After being sent him from school because the school nurse didn't want to have me continue school. My parents made me train until I could barley stand and we started yelling at each other. These injuries aren't as bad as it gets most of the time " he says.

" And how about you " the man asked Diao. " My name is Kon Diao and my problem is just like his. Our families are famous within the fighting group. My parents train me just like Kuea's parents do with him. I have a lot of videos and photos on this drive " Diao says as he pulls out a hard drive from his pocket. Handing it over to the man. " I keep this on me at all times in case I finally got the courage to come to the police. Both of our parents have a lot of weapons in their houses " Diao said.

" Now why would the both of you travel with monsters instead of going back to the guild " the man asked. Making him freeze. " H-how do you " Diao stutters. " Did you guys forget how powerful the guild is " the man says as he stands up. Taking out a wooden stake from his pocket. They all immediately stand up. " The guild has members in every part of Thailand. Working at all sorts of jobs. Not all of us actively hunt monsters " he says.

" J-just let us go please " he says almost begging the man. " I can't do that Kuea and you know that. Not to mention you guys are with two monsters. I have to do my job " the man says as he walks closer to him. When he goes to take a step back the man grabs his wrist harshly. Pulling him towards him. Hia Lian tries to quickly get him. However he stops once the man holds the stake to his stomach. " Don't hurt him " Hia Lian says in a low voice. Warning the man.

The man laughs as he says " Oh are you angry that I have your food hostage ". He watches as Hia Lian gets more and more angry. " Yi, take Diao to the car. We'll be out shortly " Hia Lian says, not taking his eyes off of the man. " Lian. What about ". Hia Lian interrupts him. Shouting " Do it ". So Hia Yi listens and quickly pulls an unwilling Diao out of the room.

He can feel himself start to shake as he starts to panic more. " I've called our leader as soon as I saw you guys walk into the station. She's on her way this very moment " the man says. Causing him to start trying to get out of the mans grasps. However he quickly regrets it when the man slightly pushes the stake into his stomach. He winces from the pain as he can feel himself start to bleed.

" Let him go. This is your last warning. I won't give you another one " Hia Lian shouts. The man just laughs as he harshly stabs the stake into his stomach before throwing him hard against the floor. He cries out in pain as he hits the ground. " Close your eyes and ears now kitten " he hears Hia Lian say. So he quickly listens. Knowing that Hia Lian is going to kill the man.
When he feels someone touch him he flinches and opens his eyes to see Hia Lian with blood all over his shirt. So he stops covering his ears. Hia Lian slowly picks him up bridal style. However the action causes pain to shoot through his body. So he starts to cry. " Hang on tight kitten. I'm going to get us out of here " Hia Lian says before rushing out of the station.

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