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Kuea finds himself in an abandoned building. " Hello! Is there anyone here " he shouts, looking for anyone that could be there. " Kuea! Watch out " he hears Diao's familiar voice shout from behind him. When he turns around he sees a sword pierce through Diao's body.

He runs towards Diao while the unknown person runs off. " D-Diao! Why did you sacrifice yourself! You promised to be by my side " he says quickly as he pulls Diao's upper half of his body, onto his lap. He holds his hand against Diao's injury, trying to get the bleeding to stop.

" Diao! Don't leave me! Diao " he screams. He gets no response as he starts to cry. He can only watch in horror as his best friend bleeds to death in his arms. His hands and arms are covered in Diao's blood. So are his pants and shirt.

" You have to talk to him " he hears a familiar voice say. So he quickly looks around. " Hello! Who's there! I need help! My friend " he shouts loudly. " You don't think I know that " he hears Diao say, frustration clear in his voice.

He quickly looks down at Diao to see him unconscious. " How " he says confused. " Diao, he's struggling. He had a nightmare about his study. It took an hour to calm him down. He needs you " another familiar voice says.

" I know! Can anyone look at this through my point if view " Diao shouts. " I'm having a nightmare " he says. Realizing that he's actually hearing everyone talking around him. " Wake up Kuea. You need to wake up " he says as he moves away from Diao's body, standing up.

There's so much blood that it makes him sick to his stomach. " This isn't real. Wake up dammit. Wake up " he shouts before everything becomes dark. " Lian, Diao. Don't fight. Diao is struggling just as much as Kuea is " he hears Win's voice.

He's woken up and feels like he's going to throw up. However he stops himself, keeping his eyes closed. He wants to hear this conversation. No, he needs to. " I'm trying my best guys. I feel so horrible because I already caused his wrist to be as bad as it is! And now I'm making him wish that his parents can beat him to near death just so he can talk to me! I'm such a horrible fucking person " Diao says angrily. He can hear that Diao is crying.

" Diao, calm down " Hia Yi says. " Everything is telling me to just run over to him and hug him. To let him know that I am still there for him. That I'm sorry for what I've done " Diao says. " What's stopping you " Black gently asks.

" Terror. Every time I think about what I did. I keep comparing myself to the vampire from my study. The vampire bit me in so many different spots. The most painful one. Was on the wrist " he hears Diao say. It makes him want to cry, but he keeps his eyes closed and listens.

" I-I hate myself so much for what I did to him and how I'm only making things worse. I can't get it out of my head. I put him through something painful. W-what happens if it happens again when I'm around him " Diao says. " He doesn't blame you at all. And you are no where near like the vampire from your study. It upsets me knowing that you are comparing yourself to that vampire. Do you know how upset and sad he'd be if he hears you comparing yourself to that vampire " Hia Lian says.

" I'm trying my best. I really am. Just please. Help him get better while I try to get myself through this " he hears Diao say before the door closes. As soon as he knows Diao is gone, he forces himself to sit up. He finally allows himself to start crying.

" Kuea " Hia Lian says concerned. He doesn't say anything. He just grabs the IV pole before quickly making his way to the bathroom. Once inside he throws up into the toilet. Win is quickly by his side. When he's done throwing up he flushes the toilet before sitting down against the wall.

Right From Wrong Book 1 ( Rewritten )Where stories live. Discover now