Sophia's pov

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I wake up everyday and expect to be in a dark room but instead I see Enzo and the sunlight leaking through the window. The last couple of days have been hard. I have been gaining weight which has been good.

Enzo has been taking care of me and I thank him every time because he is being so sweet. We both have been mourning but today I have decided to do something. I don't know what but I need to put my mind to something.

As I walk downstairs I see Enzo making breakfast, with Persephone and Hades at his feet. I give him a hug before I sit down and when we sit down for breakfast he speaks up and says "I have to go to my parents house to pick up my things. My mom would love to see you if you want to come."

I nod my head and say "I need to get out anyway."

He smiles and grabs my hand to give it two squeezes. I take a shower and get dressed before Enzo is ushering me out the door so that we will be on time. We take his car and he talks me through the day like he has been doing everyday. It helps me have control over my day and he knows it has been helping so he keeps doing it.

"Everyone is at home so if it gets to be too much tell me and we will leave right away." I nod at him and say "I will be fine, don't worry." I stop and take a deep breath before saying "I think it will be nice to talk to your mom anyway to get some motherly advice."

He nods and agrees with me and we are soon pulling up to Lorenzo's childhood home. We walk right into the house and I see most of the brothers as we walk through but no stella.

As we walk into the kitchen Amelia runs up to us but instead of hugging Enzo like I expected she ran up to me and gave me a hug. But it wasn't just a hug to me it was a warm embrace that a mother would give her child and right then and there I broke down in tears.

She fell to the floor with me and held me until I calmed down. Enzo was right behind me giving the space that he thought I needed.

Amelia waves him off but doesn't move until I tell him that I was fine. Amelia leads me into a living room and sits me on the couch. She says "I heard everything but tell me everything that is on your mind."

And I told her. I mostly talk about the loss of the baby and she just listens. It has been at least an hour and I know that Enzo has been giving both of us time to talk. At the end of my stories Amelia gives me another hug and begins to talk "If it helps at all Before I had Enzo I was pregnant with a girl." I listen to her talk, wanting to listen to her like she did me. "Everything was going well until a month before her due date and she died in the womb." Tears are streaming down both of our faces. "I had to deliver her stillborn. I know what you are going through and if you need someone to talk to who understands you can come to me. But I encourage you to go to Enzo. Because I forgot that my spouse was also mourning for his child."

I nod and we talk for a while longer until we have to go. Enzo walks me out as we say buy and when he opens the door to the car I look up at him and say "Thanks for taking me your mom helped me a lot."

He smiles and says "I'm glad Amore." I step into the car and he walks around to his side and starts the car. "Enzo I love you, I am still mourning but if you need me I also understand that you lost her. Don't be scared to come to me."

He is crying and so am I. He pulls my face in to kiss me and I return it. The whole way home he talks to me about how he felt while I was gone and after I was safe. He talks to me about work and even the baby.

It's nice to finally talk about this freely without feeling as much guilt. I feel better. I am still healing but knowing who I have on my side supporting me is helping a ton. That night I finally felt some peace. Enzo and I talked till late at night and I finally got a good night's sleep where I was expecting to wake up in the arms of my loved one.

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