Enzo's pov

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I saw her call. I saw it but I thought I could just call her later. But now I am driving home like a maniac because I want to make it in time to stop them but I know deep down that they are probably already out on the road with her.

I took my time after the raid. We had finished earlier than we thought, and I wanted to get work done before going to Italy. I stopped at the warehouse and was filling out paperwork when she called me. But I wanted to finish before leaving and calling her.

I saw her call. Why didn't I answer? Why didn't I guess this was the endgame? This was their plan.

Alex is behind me driving just as bad but he knows what happened when Stella called him in tears. I had to hear from my damn friend because I didn't answer. They took her and my unborn child. It makes it worse because she is not far along and stress is bad for the baby.

Alex told me right away as soon as I heard Stella in the background I knew something was wrong and I started running to the car and calling backup to be on standby. When he told me I dropped my phone and had to pick it up to release  backup right away. 

My dad is calling me so I answer and he says "She fought like hell son if you get their you might be able to catch her she bought a lot of time."

I floor my car when I hear this it wasn't much since I already was flooring it but I need to go faster.

"Enzo if you die you can't help her."

"I know dad but I can't lose her."

I rolled up to the house and hung out with my dad. When I see the house I know that she is gone and the doors are open. I walk into the house and almost everything is trashed. I ran up to where I was told she was hiding and I saw an unconscious guy who probably didn't have time to move. The room is a mess. I fall onto my knees and tear up when Alex and the twins run up to me.

After a minute Luca found the puppies and they were roughed up and scared but I held them as they found peace in my arms. "I want a team on the roads looking for the car that they came in. I want the tech team to translate every word they said and to look at the call that Mama recorded.

I need a weapons team and everyone else is helping me look for her. We need to raid every house that we have suspicion of. I want Sophia and my heir home safely as soon as possible or someone is dying.

They both nod their head and as the backup shows up late. They got the leaders together and gave them my orders. Luca and Alessio stand by my side looking down at the unconscious man.

"We assume you are torturing this one with us." Alessio grumbles. They have a grim face both understanding the shift that has just happened in me.

I nod my head and they both pick him up and take him to the warehouse to rot. He is my priority right now but I need to give order to everyone under me because finding Sophia is the new job.

I give all the orders after some time my dad shows up and takes over for me so that I can get dressed to go make that fucker bleed. Although as soon as I step into our room and into our closet I break down.

It doesn't happen a lot but I can't help it. I don't know how she is or if they are hurting her or touching her right now. And I feel so powerless against the whole situation. I get up and grab some clothes that I may need and move them to another room because I can't sleep in ours without her.

As I get ready to find my girl I suppress my emotions like I would before I met her and I walk out of the room ready to kill anyone who gets in my way.

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