Enzo's pov

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It's been two weeks since Sophia has been taken and the only time that I have gotten sleep is when Alex puts drugs in my water so that I unwillingly go to sleep. It works but I hate it.

I keep being told that she wouldn't want this or that she would want me to eat or sleep but I don't care because if she isn't sleeping or eating I don't want to.

I got a call three days ago from Antoni and he was a smug little fucker while he was telling  me stories. I knew they weren't true because at the endI heard a shout from Sophia and she said "Don't listen to him Enzo."

I don't know if she knew or what she knew but it kept me going knowing that she was okay for now and that at least she wasn't gone from this world saved me.

It gave me a new sense and more energy to find her. During that call we pinpointed ten warehouses that she could be in and we have already taken out five and they were all regular warehouses. I sent out the rest of my teams to stake out at the warehouses and Alex thinks that they found it.

I am suiting up to go to a meeting to make a plan and hopefully going from there to find her. I have a feeling that this is going to be bloody but if we play it out right we can find Sophia and end this war because I want every person who is in that mafia dead by the end of the night.

Alex comes to pick me up like he has been every day because he doesn't trust me driving anymore since I space out thinking about Sophia when everything is quiet and I am not working.

I don't talk to him on the ride even though he talks to me the whole time about Stella. I grunt here and there but he understands my mind more than anyone now that he has Stella.
She now has more body guards because Alex and I both agreed that if they come for anyone else that it would be her and neither of us want that.

When we were questioning the guard that got left behind we got the impression that that would not be the case but you can never be too safe.

Two weeks ago...

"So she is in this area but you don't know where." I ask the man. He is hanging by chains and his skin is now covered in red from all the torture that I have inflicted on him.

I thought it might help me but it hasn't and my mind is at war with me.

He nods his head and I say "Why did they take her?"

He whines or almost cries out "I swear I don't know anything, I only know that the boss's son likes her and has plans to make her his."

"But she isn't!" I scream at him because he has already said this one too many times.

His head drops and I leave him in the room as Alex goes in to finish up the torture. When he is done we call in a team to clean up the mess and Alex drives me back to my house so that I can grab my things to take to my parents house. I just can't stay at our house when she is gone.

Present day..

When we pull up to the warehouse I see the team's vehicles lined up in the front. I get out and walk straight to the meeting room to start asking questions.

They go over all the locations and then finally get to the one that they think the Spanish are hiding in. When I see the location I know that if she isn't there that some of the Spanish are I just have a feeling.

I get up and make all the orders to the teams. We have a team that will quietly make their way in without being noticed and when team two has my mark they will start fighting from the inside with us on the outside. Cause I am not fucking around.

I am bringing Sophia back alive and if it's not tonight it's soon because I need her like I need air and I am about to give up trying to breathe.

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