Sophia's pov

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I decided that I wanted to go on a little cozy coffee date so Enzo took me to that cafe that we had gone to a couple times. I didn't want to drive so he brought out a new car that I hadn't seen but apparently needed to be driven.

So now I am watching him pay for my tea and his coffee that he insisted on getting. I got us a spot in a secluded corner and took my jacket off while waiting for him so when I see him coming towards me I smile at him and meet him so that I can grab my iced tea and take a sip.

We sit down and he tells me about work which I appreciate and I lay my head on his shoulder as I listen. He tells me about some shipments and the war that he is preparing for. When I stiffen he wraps his arms around me and says "Amore you can not feel guilty for something you did not cause."

I pout at him because he is just so perfect and I say "But babe I did cause it if I didn't talk to him none of this wouldn't have happened and now everyone is in danger. "

He kisses my forehead and says "Amore it is over you can not change the past what is done is done. Just because that asshole showed an interest in your sexy ass doesn't mean it is your fault."

I look up and smirk at him as I say "I do have a sexy ass don't I."

He grumbles with his eyebrows drawn in and he grabs my ass quickly and says "Yes baby the sexiest."

And then all is well we are laughing and just living life as it is thrown at us again.

After Enzo makes an unexpected call I get an amazing idea to go shopping with Enzo. I love shopping. He loves me and he will do anything that makes me happy so you know it's a win win.

To give him credit when I tell him what I plan to do he doesn't complain he just opens my car door and puts it in the nearest mall. As we drive he rests his hand on my thigh and listens to my plans.

"I would like to find a dress for that party we are going to later this month and maybe some new pants because mine have been getting a little tighter recently which seems weird  but I am eating more." He nods and pulls into the mall that Stella and I have been shopping at before.

The first place I stop is to get pants. It's not a huge change but when I try a size bigger I do see a difference so I buy the two pairs that enzo liked on me and also got him a dress shirt for tonight to match what I have planned for myself.

At the next store I see some fancy dresses so I have Enzo hold a couple so that I can try them on and when I find all that look appealing he follows me into the back so that he can give me his opinion because it really does matter to me. I came out in a cute pink dress but it was a little too casual for the event and from the look on Enzo's face told me that he wasn't a huge fan of the bright pink color and I had to agree with him.

I tried on what felt like a million dresses and none of them were to my liking and Enzo could see that I was getting tired of this really fast. Before I could try another on he handed me a dress that he picked out. He smiled at me and said "I like this color on you. I think this may be the one."

I try on the dress and it is beautiful. We are going to a ball at the end of the month so the over the top ball gown won't be too over the top at a ball. It is a black gown with a high neck that splits by my cleavage and when I step out and enzo sees it he gets up with a smile on his face and says, "That's the one"

 It is a black gown with a high neck that splits by my cleavage and when I step out and enzo sees it he gets up with a smile on his face and says, "That's the one"

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I change quickly and Enzo waits for me outside as I get ready. When I walk out he is on the other side of the store looking at a black suit that he seemed to like when he walked in and it also matches my dress coincidentally.

I walk out of the dressing room and notice a small line forming with girls trying on dresses with their friends and moms picking dresses out for their daughters excited to be out shopping with them. I can't help but smile at their joy and feel a little grief because I never got to experience this  with my mom but I can't focus on that too much so I look towards Enzo to see him buying the suit in his size and my dress.

I walk up to enzo and wrap my arm around his as I grumble  "Enzo I was going to buy my dress."  He smiles at me and says "Amore if you think that I was going to let you do that you are crazy." I nod because as much as I wanted to pay for it I knew that he would.

We are about to leave when I see a store that I know Enzo will love when we walk in, his eyes go wide and he starts walking behind me. As I look at all the lingerie he grabs hold of my hips to stay by me and I walk around the store grabbing things that I like.

When I have a good handful of outfits I walk into the closed off dressing rooms and Enzo squeezes my hip a little to tell me that he was sitting down while I change. He watches me step out of all my clothes and he stays there until I show him all of the outfits and he only grunts at the ones that he likes. I can see him holding back because he knows that I wouldn't let him fuck me here.

He sits back and enjoys the show and when I am finished I have to many so I go through my favorites and pick out 3 that I enjoyed wearing. Ever since I moved in with Enzo I haven't just lounged around in lingerie wich I need to fix and thats what I plan to do with these new sets.

I walk out with the three and Enzo frowns at the ones I picked "What's wrong Enzo I thought you liked these ones?"

"I loved them Amore but what about the others I loved those on you to. I thought you would get those so that you could start lounging around the house with them on for me. You used to do it at your old apartment.''

I stare at him wondering how he knows this and say "Well I don't need to buy thousands of dollars worth of lingerie. And how do you know that?"

"Amore we are buying all of those because the ones in your hand will be ripped off of you by next week. And I watched you before I asked you out."

I stare at him in awe for a second before I watch him go and grab all the sets that I loved and follow him out to the register. He pays for the outrageous amount with the biggest smile on his face and we are soon heading home to get ready for tonight's dinner.

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