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Sophia's pov

It's been a while I don't know how long because I never see anyone that I can ask. Antoni comes every day to try to talk to me but I say nothing because I am not interested in any of his games.

I do know however that Enzo is getting close because I heard his father yelling at him when he left my cell the other day.

All I know is that he is close and when he does come to get us I am more than ready. I am not hurt but I am hungry and thirsty so I can't imagine how the baby is.

The last couple weeks that I have been here have been lonely cold and torture.

I don't know where Enzo is or how he is doing and if I don't get out of here soon I don't know what will happen. My ribs started showing a couple days ago and that's not good at all, especially with the baby. I just don't have a good feeling about it.

They also have moved me once which was so scary because I wanted to stay. I knew they were moving me because he had found me but they were one step ahead.

As hours go by I get my daily piece of bread and soup and a cup of water. I eat it slowly because if I eat too fast I vomit it up.

I have been going a little crazy too and I talk to myself well that's what the guards say but I am really talking to the little peanut that I am growing. I have a feeling that peanut is a girl so I have been talking to her about girl things like when we go shopping or what life will look like.

About two hours later I hear some talking and a guard switch. This is weird to me because the guards switch at night and from what I can tell it's probably mid day but when one of them looks back I know exactly what is happening.

These aren't the Spanish guards. I don't make a big deal and he nods his head at me silently telling me that I was doing the right things.

I walk over to the corner and put on my old shoes so that If I need to run I can I hear one of their walkies go off and air whooshes out of me when I hear Enzo say something in Italian. At those words the guards open up the doors and I walk up to them.

The guard that nodded at me hands me a water bottle and I take a couple refreshments sips as he explains how they are going to get me out.

"Hello my name is Mattia I am one of the bodyguards as is my partner Leo."

I wave at both of them as they both look at me worried.

"To get you out at first we are going to be moving you because Enzo found the bunker but someone will notice eventually that we are not on their side."

He looks upstairs when we all hear the first shots open fire.

"When we say run you have to run." I nod at him as they grab my arms like I am a prisoner and we start walking towards another door.

I stay behind both the while time. No one ask questions and I soon hear more gunshots as we walk to the only way out through the warehouse.

Enzos Pov

I give the order after I know Mattia and Leo are with her and the first shots ring out not long after. We caught them by surprise and it shows because all the Spanish are scrambling.

I have shot down every single enemy that has crossed my vision but I haven't seen Antoni or his dad yet.

I am in the middle of the warehouse shooting from behind boxes that they have set up but we are making good ground. When I see the bodyguards behind them I immediately stiffen and try to find a way to her but they get spotted.

One of the guards notices and shoots him but it's too late and soon all the attention is on them. I take this oppor and jump out as I shoot all the men in front of me and run closer to her.

I can only get so far when others start shooting at me. The guards are holding their own since most of the Spanish are not shooting at them because of Sophia.

Mattia points to me and tells her to run, which she does. I shoot the men that follow her with their guns and when she gets to me I hold her to my chest with one hand as I shoot who I can see.

My backup gets here and most of the men surrender. I hold Sophia to me and kiss her head relieved that I finally have her back.

As the shooting slows down I get an announcement over my ear piece that somehow Antoni and the don escaped. I look down at Sophia to see blood. I curse and check her over.

I freak out and say "Amore where are you hurt." I am freaking out and when I see her tears she looks up at me and says "The baby" she sobs into my chest as my guards clean up the bodies.

I am in so much shock as my eyes water. I hold her head and body to mine the whole time.

She looks up at me and says "Why now Enzo we were almost there."

"I don't know amore."

She gets up with a void in her eyes and I pick her up needing her touch as much as she needs mine. I hold her the whole way home as she cries into my chest and I mourn with her

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