Mutiple pov's

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I have always been calm, cool and collected but today I am antsy. Everything is already set up and Sophia is getting ready as I overthink everything over. Reservation. Check Vacation change check.

We have to go to Italy Sunday because I have a raid tomorrow. We think that we found the Spanish and I would love to end this war before vacation so that maybe we could also celebrate that.

Stella took Sophia to get her nails done the other day which was perfect because the photographer instructed me to make sure that happened before today so I haven't had to worry about much. Mama helped me with the reservations and even talked me through this because I want it to be absolutely perfect for mi Amore.

I am wearing a special suit that I got made for today and it had the date sewed into my cuffs so that I will remember it forever. When Sophia walks out she is wearing a sexy short dress with off the shoulder puffy sleeves and the first thing I do is walk up to her and kiss her. She is always so stunning and beautiful.

I look into her eyes and rest my hand on her butt at which she smiles at. "Are you ready Amore for a night that you remember?"

"Well I don't know why is it going to be so memorable?"  She smiles up at me. She has been trying to get the secret out since I told her we were going out.

"All in time you will know."

Sophia pov

I have been trying to figure out the surprise since Enzo told me that we were going on this date. He has been acting just a little off so I know it is something big. I also have a surprise for him tonight but he doesn't know anything about it.

I plan on telling him about the baby today because I can't keep it a secret any longer. And I need him to be in this with me because I need him emotionally. I have been nauseous in the morning but haven't vomited yet but it would be nice for him to know.

So in the car we are both tense. He talks to me about my job and I talk to him about the warehouse which he doesn't answer like he normally would. I know that the Spanish have been a nuisance recently and they have been taking up a lot of Enzo's time. I feel bad for him and have tried to be there. I am glad that he is taking a break from work to be with me though so I can't really complain.

"Amore don't worry about me I have a lead I am checking tomorrow that I think might be the end of this war. Focus on us tonight." I smile and nod at him as he tightens his hand on my thigh.

It's nice to have a night to just think about us.

Enzo's pov

Sitting in this nice restaurant and ordering our food is supposed to be normal but it feels surreal. I am about to propose to the Love of my life and I never even expected myself to fall in love.

I am a mafia don and I kill for a living, but here I am, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Amore orders a chicken dish so I order the same trusting her taste but to nervous to order my own food.

I order our normal wine and now all there is to do is wait. We have our normal dinner conversations and then it is time for me to start getting ready to leave so I start talking.
"I love you so much Sophia and you have changed my life for the better."

"I love you Enzo." She says with a smile "Thank you for taking me out tonight I loved it."

"Well, since we are done, do you want to go for a walk down by the pier."

She scrunches her nose and looks at the time and my heart races even more because I didn't put into account how tired she would be. Before I can say anything she says "Sure why not we can sleep in tomorrow,"

I immediately take a deep breath at her words so that I don't have to improve this proposal on the spot. As we walk down the pier she is holding my arm snuggled up to me because she is a little cold but there is only a little space left to go.

"I'm cold Enzo, do you want to go home soon?"

I smile at her and as we walk up to the first candle on the pier I say "Yeah let's just walk to the end of this next one."

She nods her head and finally sees all of these candles and something clicks in her head but not the right idea. "Enzo, this is beautiful."

I chuckle at her as she lets go of my arm and runs up to all the candles at the end of the pier looking out at the water. I walk up behind her and get down on one knee before she turns around.

When she turns around her eyes light up and her hands go over her mouth and I smile up at her. "Sophia, you know I love you. I never thought I would ever be here and looking back if I never met you I probably wouldn't be here because you are the only one for me." I stop to take a deep breath and she smiles at me. "I want to start a family with you and I can't wait any longer so can you please marry me so that I can love you for the rest of my life?"

"Of course I will, Enzo!"

I get up and put the ring on her finger and give her a big hug. The photographer got her when I started my speech and I just noticed her.

Sophia jumps into my arms and whispers in my ear "Enzo I'm pregnant." my breathing stops for a second and my eyes are wide as I look at Sophia "Are you serious your not joking."

Her smile falls a little as she says "Yes I found out with Stella."

My smile widens and I drop her to grab her face and kiss her hard. I drop down to my knees and hold her belly as she laughs at me. "Enzo you just proposed!" She is looking at her ring and I say "I hope you love the ring I made it myself with your pinterest board as help. She beams up at me and waves at my whole family who were standing off to the side waiting for us to finish.

They all walk over and crowd us with hugs and this is the happiest day of my life I didn't just propose to the love of my life but I also gained a best friend that is growing inside of my love. I couldn't ask for a better night.

Sophia's pov

I am overjoyed as Enzo's mom walks up to me with a wide smile. I can't help but look down at the ring again and focus on it's beauty. It is perfect that he did an amazing job. "Oh Sophia I am so happy that you will be in the family and I am overjoyed to have the first grandchild."

"Oh Amelia I am very excited as well and already love the baby with all my heart." She smiles at me and I talk to all of Enzo's siblings before they leave and we take some pictures together to celebrate the engagement.

In the car enzo can't stop holding my belly and asking about the baby "When can we find out the gender Amore."

"I don't know for sure but pretty early on."

"Did you buy any clothes yet we have to start getting a room ready we could do the one by us."

I smile at him and his excitement as I say "We have plenty of time to think about that but I love the ring Enzo."

He smiles at me as we pull into the garage and he says "I am glad you love it. Amore it is just for you."

We have a fun night that night and neither of us get sleep but I wouldn't change it for the world.

His Amoreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن