Enzo's pov

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I drive to the warehouse with Sophia behind me but she eventually turns to go to work whereas I keep going straight towards the warehouse. We both woke up this morning with cute little fluff balls at our feet and we were both happy as you can be. Sophia took Hades and Seph with her so that my sister could watch them while we were both at work. I will pick them up later so that they can go to the club, which was Stella's idea.

But now I am at work so that I could try to figure out what to do with the Spanish Mafia. As much as I don't want to, we might have to call out war like they have on us. This means that I can put up even more precautions than I have now for the Spanish.

Before I can wage it there is a knock on my door and I welcome Alex in. When he comes in he is acting a little weird, And when I notice this I stiffen up expecting bad news. So I bark out "What happened?" and instead of what I expected he says "Nothing I just need to tell you something about myself."

When he says this I am still a little stiff but I now feel a little better about what he has to tell me because it is about his personal life.

"Enzo I just want to tell you at first that you are my best friend and you know I would never hurt anyone you love." I nod wondering where this is going and he continues and says " Ok with that I would like you and Sophia to come to dinner with my Girlfriend of 4 months and I."

When he says this I choke on my air and look at him as I say "Ok why is this such a big deal Alex it's not like your girlfriend is my cousin." His eyes widen and he mumble a yeah and then says "Well I made reservations for tomorrow at 7 at your Aunts restaurant. Is that ok?" I nod and our conversation goes on to the war that we will win and he soon leaves so that I can call Sophia and tell her about dinner tomorrow.

Sophia: Hello

Enzo: Hello Amore I just wanted to hear your voice and tell you that we have dinner tomorrow with Alex and his girlfriend that he wants us to meet.

She chokes on something and clears her throat as my suspicion goes up that they know something that I don't but I brush it off as I continue.

Enzo: I was wondering if you could ask Stella later if she could watch the puppies for us?

And she answers very suspiciously

Sophia: No she can't she also has a dinner she has to attend but I can ask your mom. Watch her fluffy grandkids.

I smile at Sophia even though I know that she knows something, but I trust her and I know that she will tell me when the time is right so I stay on the phone with her until we both have to go back to work.

After filing out some documents for the war that is on my doorstep with the Spanish I get ready for a quick meeting that I have with my Brothers Luka and Alessio, in other words the twins. Every couple months we get together to talk about their prisoners and workload that they have. I like to have this meeting with them to also see how they are doing and holding up because I know that they have a hard job and that being an enforcer can take its toll.

So walking down to a lower floor I greet a couple people but otherwise I keep a scowl on my face and make my way down towards one of my least favorite floors. Why, you might ask. Well one name Heather, She is a receptionist on the conference floor and she would be dead by now if it wasn't for a deal I made with another mafia trying to get rid of her.

Long story short Heather is all over me when she sees me and I found out the day Sophia came to visit me is that she is the one that called the towing company and I gave her a warning and if anything happens again I don't care about the deal and she is going to have to leave. In the end she is jealous of Sophia but I don't care and I have no interest in her.

And as soon as the elevator opens to no one's surprise Heather is standing by her desk with a low cut shirt smirking at me. I walk right past her into the conference room growling out "Don't you dare come close to this room." and she smirks like I am joking around but I slam the door in her face and make a point to fire her soon.

As I walk in my brothers are already sitting down with raised brows at me and Luka pipes up and says "Will she ever get the point that we don't want her. Especially you Fratello you are settling down. He cackles because he is a cocky bastard and thinks everything is a joke but I say "Yes, I am actually I love Sophia. And I need to talk to you about her." They raise their brows and after I hug them both we get onto the meeting.

Toward the end I talked to them about the war that I waged before I came in here and they said that they were already prepared because they knew what was eventually going to happen.

After talking about Papa and Mama and our siblings for a while I finally tell them what has been on my mind for a while and need a brother to share it with or rather two. "I.. I would like you to go ring shopping with me." I look up at them and they don't look nearly as surprised as I thought they may be considering how fast my relationship has been going.

They look at each other and do that weird mind speaking that they have always had as twins and say at the same time "When do you need us?"


Another update🎉 recovering from surgery has been hard so I will try to post when I can but it may be a tad slower just because of health. But I still will try for every other day.

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