Sophia's pov

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I wake up from my little sleep with Enzo sitting in his sweatpants talking to my stomach. He is really cute with our unborn child and it makes me smile as I watch him.

"I know you are awake Amore" He says as he gets up. I stretch out as he looks down at me and says "Pack a bag today for Italy. I want to leave tonight after work to celebrate together. I just had a big raid today that I think might end this war."

I get up and get dressed as he talks to me about the raid. When we are both ready we open the door and puppies run into the room and we both pick up one as they cuddle us. They have learned to stay on the property and not make an accident in the house pretty quickly so it's nice that we could leave them in the house for a little bit if we have to go out.

Otherwise the puppies are amazing and it is nice to have something to take care of other than ourselves. I think they are good to have and love before you bring a life into the world as well.

As I walk downstairs I see Enzo getting ready to leave and he is all armored up. It finally clicks that he is going to get shot at today and be in a lot of danger. I go up to him and hug him as he finishes and say "You better come back safe."

He smiles at me and pecks my lips before saying "I would not think of coming back any different as long as you and the babies are here."

We eat breakfast together and I say my goodbyes as I watch him leave. I pack my bags and take the puppies for a walk before I sit on the computer and make some appointments for the baby.

I write them on a piece of paper so that Enzo can make it. After enjoying my day off Enzo is supposed to be home in about an hour when I get a weird gut feeling. I hear a squeak almost like a shoe and then one of the puppies yips at the door.

I open my phone and call Enzo but it rings and rings and rings until it goes to voicemail. I call Stella and she answers with Amelia in the background.

"Hey Soph, what's up?"

"Well Enzo won't be home for a while but I have been hearing these noises. I was just wondering if you knew what was happening with their raid."

I hear more footsteps downstairs and walk into the puppies room and lock it.

"Someone's downstairs I just heard the steps."

"Don't panic, it's fine I'm sure you're hearing things."

I hear bangs and voices getting closer to the stairs and I say "Stella someones in the house."

Amelia takes the phone from Stella and says "Can you get to the garage Sophia."

"No, I am upstairs locked in the puppies room. Do you know where Enzo is?"

I hear a sigh and Amelia says "Sophia no one was at the location of the raid. We didn't know why but I now know."

Tears are streaming down my face because I also know why.

"Can you hide or do you have weapons? If you can buy some time we could get backup."

"I can fight but Amelia there are a lot of men here I can hear them."

I can hear Stella crying in the background and if you listen you can hear Enzo's dad screaming to someone probably on the phone. I wipe my tears away and straighten my shoulders as I hear the men getting closer.

"I am going to leave you on the phone. I can hear them in our room next to me. Can you just tell him that I love him and that I will see him again."

Her voice breaks as she says "Of course Honey... of course and we will find you."

I hear the men outside my door talking and I grab the heaviest thing I can find in here which is one of their animal bones.

I hear them breaking through the door and I hide the phone so that they can listen to what is happening.

I hear them speaking Spanish and finally the door opens and I bash the first one in the head and he falls over. Then I hear them mad and hear their guns pull out. When the next one walks in his gun is pointed towards me and I hit that with the bone as I go for his head but he grabs my arm and twists it so that I have to let it go.

I hear them talking again laughing at me and they pull out a phone to take a picture. As he lets go of my arms to take a picture I sit up and punch him where the sun doesn't shine and hop up when he falls over.

I see two of them trying to grab the puppies and I run over to them and scratch at their faces while the puppies run away. Although after a couple good gouges one of the grabs my arms so I kick and kick until they grab my feet and hit me over the head.

Since I was wiggling he didn't get a good hit until they could pin me down and when they had my face pinned to the ground he could finally get a good hit in and I black out before I could stop it.

His AmoreNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ