Sophia's pov

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I have been working for about an hour now with claire. Since it's a saturday we always have 2 workers for the weekend shopper's and Students that are on a break and come out with their friends.

So far it has been really busy. We even had a bridal party come by and buy outfits for their trip this weekend. Those are the best because bride's love talking about their wedding and I love hearing about them. But otherwise it has been the same old day at honey's.

About half an hour before I leave Stella decides to surprise me with tea and gossip. She has a huge smile on her face and the first thing she says is.

"So how's my brother?" She whispers with a big grin on her face.

"He was good when he left. I guess he went to the warehouse today."

"No like, you know." And she raises her eyebrows.

"One eww, two I don't know yet we decided to wait till we were both ready."

She looks at me Shocked and even drops her jaw for dramatic effect.

"Sophia, I have never seen Enzo like this. I don't think you understand how big of a step this is for my brother."

"Yeah well I appreciate it. I think I may be ready to take the next step soon but until then I respect his decision. He is really sweet and I am definitely falling in love with him."

She looks at me smiling, obviously happy about this relationship. And probably happy about her brother finding someone.

"I can't wait for you guys to get married and have babies. Think about it, I could be the cool aunt and do things with them that they aren't allowed to do with you. Hurry up though it takes nine months to cook, and I don't want to wait that long."

"Ok one stella we are already moving really fast but we are nowhere near parenthood or marriage. And two I will be a cool mom.''

"Yeah ok cool mom. I can wait but just know I am excited to have some nieces and nephews."

Stella stayed till the end of my shift and we even drove to my apartment so that she could come in and talk a bit. We talked about how she loved Lana, and soon got onto mafia Conversation.

"So Enzo told you?"

I knew what she was talking about because there is no other thing that Enzo could have told me that caused her tone.

"Yeah, I didn't know how to feel at first. But then I decided I would take it day by day as long as he treats me right. And he does Stella. I really like your brother. He treats me like a queen.

"Good Sophia I am glad you deserve it. And I am also glad that my big bro is happy. I can tell he really likes you."

I smile at her because I am glad that he is happy also and that I can make him happy.

"Yeah the whole family is happy that he finally found someone. My brothers the twins are excited to meet you and my mama already loves you. Oh that reminds me do you like simple weddings or extravagant?"

"Somewhere in between. Why?"

"Oh nothing."

I am obviously suspicious but I push it off when I see the time. Stella told me she had to leave at 5 to go see someone so when I told her she gets up fast says buy to me and quickly rushes out the door. At first I thought she was going to see Enzo but from how she rushed out the door I feel like it was someone special.

When she leaves I get ready to leave the house because Saturday's Lana will get together to chat about our weeks. She took a little break this week from modeling and on Tuesday she leaves for another gig in Europe so she wanted to make sure she could see me before she left anyway. But this week I am going over to her penthouse. She has a nice place so when I can go over I do because I enjoy the open space.

So now I am locking my apartment and when I turn around my neighbor is right behind me. He has always been a little weird but he is also nice so I try to be kin to him. I wave at him and he says.

"I saw someone carry you into your apartment the other day. Are you okay?"

"Yeah my boyfriend dropped me off after our date."

I smile at him and wave goodbye to him as he mumbles "Boyfriend" under his breath. He has always been a little weird but like I said he hasn't done anything rude to me.

So now I am in a taxi taking a 10 minute drive to Lana's house in my pajamas because I wanted to be comfy. About five minutes into my drive I get a text from Enzo asking how I am.

Enzo: How are you baby? Still at home"

Sophia: "I am going to lana's tonight. Are you still at work?"

Enzo: Yes I am at work, I have extra since I want to be off tomorrow. I also have to fill out paperwork for when I step up. Stay safe.

Sophia: Make sure you get to sleep, Enzo. You need to be safe too.

After talking to Enzo I had arrived at Lana's and am now knocking on her door. Lana lives pretty lavishly. She comes from a wealthy family and makes a killer living as a model. I am used to it but it still amazes me what she has accomplished early in life. I am proud of my friend. She is happy and that's all I could ask for.

She opens the door with a big smile on and pulls me in for a hug.

"You smell different Sophia."

"No I don't what are you talking about."

"Who's shirt is that?''

"Oh that's why. It's Enzo's shirt."

She screeches and smells me again to which I pull away from her weirded out by her sniffing. She soon calms down and sits down on the couch with me not far behind her. she looks at me with a worried expression probably of how tired I look. It was nice talking to Stella but work was really hard today. I worked overtime at the boutique because I need the money and someone just quit. It was pretty busy today and I don't have a lot of energy now.

"Why are you so tired Sophia?"

"I was working overtime today because my rent went up and she had the extra hours open."

"Your rent went up again! Your studio is getting too expensive, girl you should look somewhere else. Or you could move in with me for a little.

"No I can still pay for it, I just wanted some extra for miscellaneous."

"Ok but if you need help you have to tell me."

"Ok we go on to talk about our week's and she asks plenty of questions about Enzo. She tells me how she loves Stella out with her again and I soon drift off to sleep after she turns a movie on.

I am making Instagram for the characters so far I just started Sophia so you can find her @sophiabloom_23

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