Enzo's pov

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Sophia is perfect and she keeps me on my feet too. I didn't even think she could take that closet thing that way and I felt like a complete asshole when she did. I was panicking for a couple minutes when she was mad at me and I absolutely hated the thought of her leaving, even though it was a misunderstanding.

But after I knew that we were ok my mind went to Alex. I can't be too mad at him because he normally does have free reign but he didn't have to stay in the fucking room that long. My girl was naked under me and I was about to taste her when he walked in and to make it better he just stood there with his eyes closed. Who does that? He better have a good reason.

So after breakfast I called him over to my office to set more boundaries when Sophia is over. It is about time and I do plan on her being over a lot more. Especially because she helps me sleep and that I love her.

"Alex Sophia is going to be over a lot, and you can't just barge into my room anymore." I state right away to show dominance in the room.

"Sorry about that Lorenzo, I really didn't know that she was here." I believe him but I still need to get my point across.

"I understand that but why did you just stand there?" I scrunch my eyebrows at him honestly wondering his reason.

"Well I originally came in to tell you that the Spanish found out that you have a girlfriend. And I got nervous so I just stood there, I don't know."

"Wait, they know about Sophia?"

"No, not necessarily they know that you have a girl. Not of who she is, they think that Sophia is Stella's friend and you hang out with her every once in a while."

"She is safe for now but I would start thinking about her moving in."

He talks to me about Spanish more but it is hard to pay attention when your rival is close to finding out who the love of your life is. I dismiss him and think about what my next step of action is with the spanish.

I already planned on asking Sophia to move in with me soon but it seems that it will be sooner rather than later. Probably after the family dinner but I can figure that out later. I move to doing some paperwork for when I step up and some weapon's trades work that I have to fill out. It's pretty boring but it has to be done before tonight when my dad announces that he will be stepping down.

About an hour later I hear a knock on my door and before I can call to let them in Sophia walks in and comes in to straddle my lap. She is the only one who doesn't need my permission to barge in. Anyone else would have nearly died doing that to me, but Sophia has free reign over anything.

"Baby we have to get ready for family dinner. I am gonna get ready with you, I already did my makeup so we just have to get dresses." And she held onto me like a koala. She seems in pain a little and is more clingy that normal."

"What's wrong amore?" I am a little worried because she is a little clingy, not that I am complaining.

"Hmmm nothing I just missed you and my hormones are all jacked up right now due to my period coming this week." Periods don't disgust me. I know that it is natural and she can't help it. So I will do anything to help her through it.

''What do you need me to do?"

"Nothing right now Enzo just come get ready with me. Oh and carry me, that sounds good." and she does this cute giggle that makes my heart skip a beat. She just makes me so happy.

I walk out of my office with Sophia trying to practically snuggle into my skin. I walk all the way up the stairs to our room and when Sophia jumps on the bed sprawled out. I go into the closet to pull out the outfit I brought from her apartment and find my suit that matches her skirt. I hear when she walks in but don't turn around until my suit is on.

 I hear when she walks in but don't turn around until my suit is on

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(but the same pattern and color of her skirt)

When I turn around I am met with a mouthwatering sight of my amore in lingerie. She has a sexy red set that I picked out for her and when she bends over I can see her thong strap.

She mindlessly gets dressed, probably aware of me watching her, and when she turns around I make sure to remind her that she is the most beautiful girl ever. She blushes and pulls me out of the room in a hurry. Obviously wanting to make a good impression.

We get ready to leave and when we do I get the Ferrari ready and we take off to go meet my crazy family.

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