55: A new start

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Third person P.O.V

It's been a week after that horrible incident, and Taehyung was recovering at a steady pace. Well, he was recovering physically, but his mental health was once again pushed to the edge, his soul was wounded so deeply to leave him in continuous pain.

Jin and Namjoon were very worried and gave him frequent visits once he was discharged from the hospital. They even offered Taehyung to stay with them as both were sharing the same apartment near the company, but the brunet politely denied and they had to respect his decision.

Jimin on the other hand was way more than persistent to stay beside the brunet. The silver-haired didn't get the chance to contact Yoongi again, let alone Jungkook, but deep down, he started to believe in whatever was mentioned in the file, making his hate toward Jungkook reduce timely.

After the confession of his deeds starting from very early til the spy camera he left in Taehyung's room, Jimin came clean and apologized sincerely to which the brunet didn't react much and just nodded his head. Well, honestly speaking, there wasn't anything they could do, because the damage was done already.

Taehyung was asked for the statement the next day he gained his senses and stated everything that had happened. What made him more distressed was that the cops were now really suspecting Jungkook as RD after Jimin's collection in the USB. But he managed to make them believe that Jungkook didn't do anything bad, instead protected him all that time. The officer was not satisfied but agreed in the end and they continued their search for Jungkook only to fail.

Taehyung was happy that Jungkook managed to escape, as there was no sign of the raven-haired. It was depressing to the police department, but he was fine as far as Jungkook was safe.

Jimin sighed, just as the previous week, he found Taehyung sitting near the Bombax tree on his lawn, dazed as ever. The silver-haired was now sure of what Taehyung might be feeling because he wouldn't deny that there was continuous pinching in his own heart since Yoongi cut off every contact with him. It's been a whole week since Jimin was staying with Taehyung after making the latter agree with lots of pestering, but he always saw the lost brunet, a silent boy lost in his own thoughts.

Trudging forward to the brown-haired, Jimin plopped near the wheelchair of Taehyung on the grass. The weather was once again getting cold, with the crisp and dry wind of late October making their skin feel slightly cool.

"Taehyung," Jimin carefully started, only to get a small hum of acknowledgment from the other.

"Do you, do you still love Jungkook?" Even when he knew the answer, Jimin wanted Taehyung to let it out, because he had been storing it up for a long and needed to let it out before going totally numb.

Taehyung felt his lips curving up after hearing the question. But, does he? "No," Jimin was taken aback by the rebut and was about to say something when Taehyung took a deep breath as his gaze fell on the tree.

"This isn't love, Park. I feel it, like- like he was my need, a ray of shine in my darkness-filled void, a reason to feel alive amidst all the mental chaos I've been having all this time. He made me be the one I am now, he made me realize of my beating heart, that I'm very much alive and have emotions." The deep soothing yet shaky voice was enough to present the hidden pain behind each and every word, and Jimin just listened to it all.

"I tried everything to push him away but he came back with more strength, slowly but steadily breaking my years-old walls of restraints. I was afraid of being dependent on the others, but he made me do it, not on the others but on him, only on him." The small curve of lips stretched more, his mind reminding of the time Jungkook never gave up on his tantrums.

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