42: New face

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook opened the door of the mansion with the utmost care, very nervous about every small sound he unconsciously produced till now, cursing too. Once inside, he silently made his way to his own room. The room was dark, just as he left it, so he turned on the switch first to illuminate the area.

Putting his things back in the safest place, he changed into his hoodie, washed his face, and spit the gum in the bin before brushing his teeth. After making sure that his breath didn't stink of alcohol, he made a beeline to Taehyung's room.

Very carefully, he closed the door and turned back to find the brunet snuggled in the covers, sound asleep. Smiling at the warm sight, he walked forth before joining the older on the bed. Just when he made himself comfortable, his eyes fell on the brunet's neck, where the bruises were almost gone.

"I'll make sure, no one ever touches you again, baby." It was promised, the biggest goal he put on his list now, and once RD set a goal, no one can drag him away from getting that.

When he closed his eyes, the scenes of Taehyung getting choked and forced played like a broken reel inside his mind, making him grit his teeth so tightly that the little screech had to slack his jaw a bit when the thought of disturbing the older's sleep rendered him helpless. Turning on his side, he wrapped his right arm around the other's waist and gently pulled his body to his own, feeling an immense rush of relief on the exchange of body heat slowly his breathing evened out, the presence of the other, his body heat and that soft fruity scent lulled him to sleep.

The next morning, Taehyung was the first one to wake up when his phone was continuously flashing notifications after every second as it was on silent mode. Stretching himself a bit, he looked down at the gentle yet firm grip on his waist to smile a little, the younger was holding onto him as he would run away. The thought made his smile turn into a frown in an instant. First, he can not run away, and second, he now recalls the sudden disappearance of the younger last night leaving him alone.

He must have some errand, after all, he has his own life too.

That's what he made himself believe, nodding his head to assure his heart that there was no need to feel this way, no need to feel insecure when Jungkook was literally giving him his everything. Another flash of notification made him get the device with squinted eyes as the curtains were dropped, keeping the room in a dark ambiance and the screen flash was not much liked by his sleepy eyes.

Clicking on the most recent notification that happened to be the news from the channel he read daily, his eyes widened in slight surprise, at least he wasn't anticipating such news. Because there was breaking news regarding the accident Dong Junsang went through the last night. According to the report, the model was coming back from the police station after sorting out some personal issues, on his way to his home, someone fired at his tires, causing the car to roll off the road and hit a pillar. The report doesn't contain any photo of the model but the car, and it looked horrible.

The text from RD he got last night was now looking like a nightmare coming true. It wasn't like he was happy or sad, he felt blank overall, not knowing what to actually feel but the thought of text from RD was a red alarm. Even when he really wanted to ignore it all, the word fired was not letting him do so.

"Good morning, baby." The raspy and deep voice made the brunet turn his head to face the younger already looking at him with sleepy eyes. 

"Good morning," Jungkook's eyes were now fully opened to the dull tone, his mind already telling him that something was off. Maybe the previous day's event made Taehyung a bit moody...

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