9: Care

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The night was very uncomfortable for both as Jungkook was very attentive to falling asleep peacefully and Taehyung, he wasn't sleepy after a marathon of his thoughts.

It was around 7 am when he finally decided to leave the bed and was a bit glad to find the wheelchair very close to his bed. After a lot of struggle, he finally plopped on the chair and made his way to the bathroom for his morning routine.

"I really need a good bath now." A disgusted look that he gave to his reflection, was returned as a question.

He can't just jump into the bathtub and can't sit in the shower because of his cast.

With so many thoughts, on how to overcome this problem, he did his morning routine till washing his face.

Mr. Yu was the only one who helped him in bathing and he was in need of some help again, but he never tried calling the raventte in the other room.

"You can do it." Cheering to himself, he tried to get up a bit from the chair and leaned his body on the edge of the bathtub, only to cry in pain as the movement only pressured his broken ribs.

Maybe, Jungkook got some very sensitive ears this time as he barged inside the room to see the bathroom door slightly open.

Taehyung gasped when the door of the bathroom opened, revealing a half-sleepy raventte with bed hairs.

"Sh*t! What are you even doing,  Kim?" Ignoring the glare cast upon him, Jungkook scurried to help the other, not even noticing the slip of his tongue.

Very gently, he held the other's waist, slipping his one arm beneath the limp legs before picking him up to the bathtub.

"I can do it myself!"

"Of course, I'm not volunteering to bathe you like a baby," Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung clearly heard as he was placed inside the empty bathtub.

Good thing, he was still dressed, or might've just hit the other's head with something.

Jungkook placed the shampoo and liquid soap on the small counter near the tub before rolling his sleeves up.

Taehyung gave him a look. "What are you doing? Leave, I can do it from onwards."

"You need a bath and you can't wash your hair properly with your injured ribs. Let me do it and then you can wash your front."

"No, just leave me!"

Jungkook let out a sigh in frustration. It was just the start of the day and it was already annoying.

"Can't you ever let me do my job?" Taehyung slapped the hand that came near his hair and almost twisted the wrist.

"Don't touch me!"

"Calm down, Mr. Kim. I'm not interested in touching you. Just let me wash your hair and then do whatever you want!" Taehyung was baffled when his head was tilted back in a sudden yet gentle move and water started soaking his scalp, sending a pleasant sensation through his whole body.

"It won't take long if you cooperate." Jungkook huffed while keeping his head in place as he applied the shampoo, the sweet fragrance spreading in the whole bathroom in an instant.

"You're crossing your limits!" Jungkook ignored that and tried to do his work more quickly. He was so immersed in his work that he didn't notice the way other let out a small sigh when he massaged the scalp lightly before rinsing the shampoo.

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