18: Share

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The following two days were very awkward, not for the raventte but definitely for the brunet. After that little sweet monologue from his caretaker, Taehyung felt very conflicted about his own every move. He was very alert of whatever he did in front of the other, not like he didn't lash out at him in that span, but it was very lesser than the earlier days.

During this time, he got good news from his lawyer about the legal action from his side and now he was waiting for the reply from his so-called Uncle.

James Drake, or more like Kim Drake was his only blood-related family, who was somehow in touch with him. Not because the older loved him as his nephew but because of the assets he had passed down from his grandfather and father.

The said person was younger, the adopted brother of his father, and was settled in the USA. But at the time of his grandfather's death, he suddenly came back and started claiming the assets that were never his.

He was also one of those who blamed him for everyone's death but later on, he started acting so sweet and caring. That day when Jungkook informed him about his appearance in the mansion, he acted oblivious because he wasn't ready to face him and hear the same blame over again.

But after getting the same notice from him, he finally decided to fight back, not for the wealth but for the dignity of his family.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung almost flinched back when he found the raven-haired leaning in front of his face, doe eyes scanning closely.

"What the hell?! Stay back!" Jungkook pouted, a slight frown formed before a dazzling smile replaced it when he noticed the red cheeks of the other.

"Yeah, sure. But you didn't answer me, Mr. Kim." Taehyung gave him a glare but Jungkook was being stubborn as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

"Who are you to question me? Aren't you being too frank, Jeon?" Jungkook sighed, slightly rolling his eyes but pouted again.

"I was trying to befriend with you. It's been a whole month and we never talked like an actual humans." Um, ok, the word irked Taehyung but Jungkook quickly chuckled nervously.

"I mean, ah.. we can talk and share our thoughts about current affairs of the country?" Taehyung still looked angry but inside he was on the verge of laughing at the expressions of the other.

Just like usual, a deep silence fell in the room until the raventte cleared his throat again.

"I- I got my first pay from your account, so I was thinking of celebrating it. Anything you want to eat?"

"Can you just leave me alone?" Taehyung spat harshly because his heart was already getting ready for a little talk but his mind was just pulling him back.

"Um- how about a humble no?"


"Come on, don't you get bored inside your room? Ok, let me order some ice cream and then we will enjoy it on the lawn." Before Taehyung could spit some more harsh words, the other was already out of the room, almost jumping in excitement.

"Stop please, don't do this." He mumbled when there was no one in the surrounding.


"Why it's taking so long?! You said it will be done within a week, it's already a whole month!" The person who was hearing the call, rolled his eyes, calmly sipping on the iced americano.

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