54: Unfortunate

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was ready to feel the heart-wrenching burning sensation all over his skin when Choi knelt at a distance from his limp legs, his right hand keeping the bottle down a bit while gazing all over the sprawled body.

"Make sure to repent well, hmm?" Taehyung gulped, mind too numb to act in any way, but just like the other times, someone was there for him, to take him in the safest wings and keep him all protected.

A loud wail of pain made the chief drop the bottle on the floor, his hand already bleeding badly, with a bullet hole in his wrist.

Taehyung jolted at the wail, and when he opened his eyes, it wasn't the sight he expected. The bottle was fallen on the floor, sizzling the tiles when toxic liquid splashed all over it, a small puddle of blood forming at a distance from that too.

Taking the chance, Taehyung's mind finally worked a bit and he dragged his body away from the wounded man.

"STOP! You cannot go anywhere!" Choi roared, his hand already holding a metal stick, and hit Taehyung on his head again and was about to clutch his wrist with his healthy hand after letting go of the stick when the younger stopped moving after getting hit brutally... just then the door of the room barged open by many people.

A few of them rushed to the older one to take him on hold, one of them barking some orders, while someone was already hugging Taehyung closely.

"Call- call an ambulance! He is bleeding!" The person beside Taehyung screamed, his voice was familiar and felt shaky as he placed something on the newly formed wound on his head while gazing in horror at the stab wound at the shoulder.

"Taehyung, Tae- hey, can you hear me?" Jimin licked his lips and softly tapped Taehyung's cheek which had dried blood stains but only bit back a sob when the other kept looking at the floor, trying to digest the whole situation.

"Who shot him?!" The police officer frowned, observing the bullet wound on Namson's wrist, but all of his companions shook their heads in denial.

"Let me go! He deserves to die! HE KILLED MY SON! HE IS A KILLER!" Choi was thrashing in the hold of two officers but they looked unfazed and dragged him away from the room.

"Taehyung? Please, say something?" The said person blinked lightly and gazed up to finally see the worried silver-haired beside him who was pressing a hankie on his wound.

Jimin's eyes looked a bit hopeful when Taehyung reacted to his plea but his heart shattered again when the brunet just let his head fall on his shoulder and closed his eyes.


"I- I didn't kill anyone. They- they died their own deaths." Jimin harshly bit his lips on hearing the small voice. It looked like the brunet was in sort of a daze, trying to believe what he just said.

The senior officer stepped forth and knelt in front of the two models with sad eyes. All of them felt bad for the brunet and more sad about their chief. Unfortunately, the man lost his only family to fall apart emotionally. They knew it wasn't Taehyung's fault but still, they needed his statement, not now though.

"Mr. Kim, can you hear me?" Taehyung stayed in the same position, not even moving an inch and that's when Jimin felt dreadful.

"Taehyung? Tae?!" Even after patting and softly shaking his figure when the brunet remained unresponsive, Jimin got up and picked up the male in his arms instantly.

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