37: Warning or a prank?

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook's fierce gaze fell on Jimin before his eyes softened a bit as they had to see the other person, the same person who was looking up at him with wide but maybe, blank eyes.

"Oh, when did you come, Jimin?" Jin broke the thick silence as Namjoon gestured for him to say something. Of course, the silver-haired was uninvited, he didn't even inform the other two before coming here.

"Just a few minutes ago when you two were talking about that assassin, RD." Jungkook's eyes darkened again when Jimin showed an innocent face while poking the matter again.

"I think, um- we should eat it before it gets cold, Joon- ahm- Sir Namjoon please place it over the table." Handing over a platter that was now filled with chicken to his boss, Jin cleared his throat again to lessen the awkwardness.

"Jungkook, how about you get the drinks while I get these utensils to the table? Come on, Jimin." The said silver-haired threw a last glance to the raven-haired before leaving the kitchen.

Jungkook's gaze was still wandering back and forth to the brunet in the wheelchair who looked deep in thought, all thanks to that overly smart, midget!

The dinner was relatively silent if we ignore the fact that Jungkook's inner side was shouting, and cursing at Jimin who unluckily, happened to be sitting across him, making him more agitated.

Taehyung was right beside him but his hands were just playing with the fork, not eating the delicious meal spread in front of him.

"Do you want me to prepare your pizza?" Jungkook softly inquired, giving a soft squeeze to the older's hand that was placed on his own thighs as he dwelled in his own pool of thoughts.

Coming out of the trance, Taehyung shook his head lightly before starting to eat the now, slightly cold chicken. Jungkook's eyes were now just sneaking every chance to glance at the brunet to make sure if he was eating or not, and Namjoon was again quick to notice the difference of the glint in those round eyes.

Jimin ate barely, saying that he had a good supper and wasn't hungry but just wanted to join them. After dinner, he presented a bag of some gifts, apologizing for his behavior from the day of the shoot that Taehyung accepted as he was literally pleading.

"I already told you that it's fine, why are you doing it again?"

"I still feel bad for what you went through because of that, please accept it." Jimin shook his head, looking kind of really genuine with his words and actions.

Namjoon and Jin again started a new topic about fashion and Jungkook had to clean up the table but deep down he just felt something suspicious about Jimin who kept on glancing at Taehyung like he was up to something else too.

"Let me help you." Jin again offered, even when he denied the older helped him and he was happy for that because he got free earlier, thanks to the humble man.

After getting free, he quickly made a beeline to the living room only to feel his heart drop when he found only Namjoon sitting there going through his phone.

"Where are they?" Namjoon looked to find Jin coming out of the kitchen and Jungkook searching for certain someone.

"Oh, actually Jimin's shirt got stained when he picked up the sauce, Taehyung took him to offer some clothes. They're probably in Taehyung's room." Hearing that, Jungkook's grip tightened on his own hoodie as he rushed to the older's room.

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