36: Vulnerable

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Third person P.O.V

The next day, Taehyung demanded a new set of clothes with new food dishes, and once again, who was Jungkook to deny? The raven-haired kept himself busy doing everything he could to keep the older happy, not because he was bound to do that as his job, but because he loved the smile and that child-like happy glint in those caramel orbs, he just love it...

"Why can't we go out? I really wanted to go somewhere peaceful with you." Jungkook sadly smiled, his hands busy making the dough for the pizza, but his eyes were still focused on the brunet who was pouting while playing with the carrots in the vegetable bowl.

"Baby, you know the reason." Taehyung let out a tired sigh at that. It wasn't like he didn't know the reason, but feeling caged like that while keeping his wishes just to himself because someone out there was thirsty for his blood, made him very bothered.

"I know." The small answer was delivered and Jungkook knew that Taehyung was upset. Who wouldn't like to go out on their days off, especially with their loved ones? Also, when the older was kept in darkness for years after the death of his family, he might've had deep desires to live a normal life with someone by his side.

Covering the dough, for the time being, Jungkook washed his hands quickly so that he can smoother Taehyung's face with loads of kisses, just a small effort to make him feel better.

"Baby, just name it, and I'll bring everything for you. But, just for a little while, bear it for a little while and then we can go anywhere you would like to." Taehyung scoffed, but still cupped the hands over his face to feel them a bit cold because the other just washed his hands.

"I beg to differ, Jungkook. I don't know but I feel, whoever is the person, he won't let me live." Jungkook gritted his teeth so tightly that his jawline became very sharp. Pulling the other's head to his chest, Jungkook let him snuggle, threading his fingers through the soft hair to soothe the older.

"No one can hurt you, you get that?! NO ONE!" Taehyung slightly flinched at the loud and booming voice, more because he was too near to his chest, also, Jungkook had never ever shouted before, not like that. His voice sounded really dark, really very dark.

"Jungkook?" Softly mumbling the name of the younger, Taehyung hugged him, wrapping his arms around the waist, he pressed himself more.

Jungkook, who was taking deep breaths to calm his ragging heartbeat and surging burning sensation all over his body, closed his eyes and bit his lips harshly. He never wanted to shout, at least not in front of the cold-looking (for the others), fragile soul in his arms.

Taehyung was still snuggled, feeling a bit concerned about the younger's sudden change of mood.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to shout like that. It's just- I can't even imagine any more harm to you." Taehyung frowned but soon his heart melted in an instant. Jungkook was just worried about him, concerned about his well-being and this thought made him feel lucky to have someone like him by his side.

"I don't want to die too, Jungkookie. At least not now, when I just found you, someone who loves me more than myself. I want to live with you, cherish every single second that you fill up with love." Jungkook's eyes widened, and tears started to gather in them when the vulnerable and sad tone made his heart tremble as if someone had just hit his walls of coldness with a hot, burning hammer, shattering it in pieces, leaving it vulnerable as well.

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