52: Who?

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Third person P.O.V

The black car was roaring on the highway leading them to the other city, far away from the bustling crowd of Seoul. It was about an hour or so when they left the house with Taehyung inside. Yoongi kept his eyes on the road when he felt Jungkook groaning in the backseat. The younger was knocked out when he threw some punches at Yoongi and the older had to knock him out so that they can leave.

Yoongi sighed tiredly, and his mind went back to the conversation he had with Taehyung before it all happened.


Yoongi was about to leave when he heard a low voice, calling him from the room.

"Min, come inside please." Yoongi was bewildered at first, but he trudged inside the room to find Taehyung's face still red and he was still embracing Jungkook on his chest.

"Do you really care for Jungkook?" The question was abrupt, also he never thought of it coming out of Taehyung's mouth, at least not in this situation.

Rubbing his temple, the older of the three let out a small groan. "My answer depends on what you want from me?" He was still alarmed, just a bit because he had seen the love and care in Taehyung's eyes, but he just wanted to hear it from his own mouth.

Taehyung tried to get up with a little difficulty, still keeping Jungkook's head near his body. "I do care about him, maybe less than you do, or- I don't know. But," His red eyes met with Yoongi's narrower ones.

"Take him away, please, I can't see him in pain. I- I don't want to be the reason for his-" Gulping down the rest of the words, Taehyung took a deep breath to keep his emotions at bay.

"I won't breathe out a word about this whole situation. I don't even need you two to find the person who wants me dead, heck- I don't know what I want, but- just take him away, take him far away before anything bad happens to him. All of my life, I've endured a lot, but I'm sure, I won't be able to bear it." Yoongi felt so sad for the brunet who was literally shaking with the amount of emotion swirling in his body.

"He won't leave you, you know that too. After all, he is a goner for you." Taehyung smiled at that, his fingers busy in caressing the scalp of the passed-out male in his embrace.

"I know, I'm a goner for him too." Yoongi caught that too clearly even when the words were almost below a whisper.

A small moment of silence fell in the room when Taehyung just kept staring at Jungkook like the other was his life, and he wasn't ready to let it go, to let him go.

"I remember the contract number of the Chief who was investigating my case, just give me your phone so that I can contact him. I will tell him that it wasn't RD but some kidnappers who demanded money and once I gave them, they left me here."

Yoongi frowned, stepping forth as he tried to process that. "Are you sure of it? We almost caught the person who is behind it all. It's a matter of a day or two when RD will get it settled-"

"That's what I don't want! He- he got shot because of me!" The older was taken aback by the snapping but he watched in pity when Taehyung struggled with his emotions.

"Whoever that person is, the cops can handle it all if you have proof. I just don't want him to be in trouble, again." Yoongi knew that look, it was quite familiar and oh yes, he had witnessed the same look in Jungkook's eyes.

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