16: Loving

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Third person P.O.V

There was an awkward and thick silence that none of them dared to break, only the voice of their soft breathing could be heard. Jungkook was continuously biting his lips for the past hour when the brunet pushed himself away from his embrace, it wasn't like the past pushes, but a gentle and hesitant one.

Taehyung was sitting, facing the side wall while sniffing occasionally. He was so much shaken up by the nightmare that he didn't notice his position before, but as the reality dawned upon him that he was crying in front of his caretaker, he quickly pushed him away.

For some reason, he still felt a bit comfortable as the other was still silent, not saying a single word but also not leaving him alone, another reason to be grateful as he wasn't ready to be alone, again.

He never felt this much comfortable and warm enough to let his burdens out like that. Mr. Yu made him comfortable but still, there was a barrier between them, maybe because the older was well aware of his hidden past and fears. But Jungkook was a different case, the raven-haired knew nothing about him but still was there to comfort him. Even when it was out of duty, as per his thought, that was the most sincere gesture he ever received from someone unknown.

Words of gratefulness were rolling over his tongue but his ego was continuously poking him inside to stop him from delivering them.

He could still see the other's concerned eyes lingering over his head, but he couldn't dare to turn back to face the raventte.

The clock struck 3 am but they were still sitting like statues. In the end, Jungkook got up to leave and that's when Taehyung got slightly panicked. Don't take him wrong, he was still traumatized after horrible incidents in his life.

"Where are you going?" His voice was a clear indication of his panic but his face showed none of the emotions if we avoid his eyes that were shaking.

Jungkook turned his head a bit, brows frowned a bit at the other's expressions but his eyes softened immediately. "To get some warm milk for you. You should sleep now, it will help." He flashed a small smile, waiting for the response.

Taehyung was still awestruck by his behavior, how can someone be so much dutiful after what he did? He was dead as* rude to him while the other was there standing, flashing a smile as if nothing happened.

"Um- do you need something else?" Jungkook asked on the lack of response and Taehyung licked his lips that suddenly felt so dry.

"Add- add some honey in the milk." He stuttered out, voice velvety and soft despite his burning throat and Jungkook was left awestruck this time.

"Sure." The raven-haired chirped before going out of the room, keeping the door open so that he could see him.

Taehyung blinked in laziness, eyes scanning his own room that felt different. It wasn't like something really changed there, it was just his heart walls that were falling one by one, credit goes to the raventte who was humming slowly in the kitchen.

It was the same room where he never allowed anyone to stay for more than 15 minutes except for Mr. Yu. But now, it feels like everything was changing over time, everything...

A soft knock made him look at the door to find Jungkook standing with a tray. He simply nodded his head to which the raventte acted quickly.

Taehyung watched silently as Jungkook placed the tray in front of him that had a glass of milk with honey in a small container.

Before he could say something Jungkook beat him on that. "It would be better if you add it to your taste."

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