15: Changed

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Another week passed like a wave of wind but it wasn't like the one before, many things changed over time.

Taehyung stopped spitting fire from his mouth and let the other do his work calmly, even though he let the other help him in bathing (to some extent).

Jungkook noticed each and every change in the other's behavior whenever he was close to him. Even when the brunet tried to be subtle, the raven-haired definitely observed the way he was being watched a few times.

Those soft blushes on the other's bread cheeks after every bath when he helped him in coming out of the tub, that fluttering long lashes whenever his fingers unconsciously brushed against that soft skin, that biting of lips whenever he helped him in dressing... nothing was possible to ignore for him.

The brunet was still stuck in the whirlpool of his fears and beliefs, but he tried, he tried his best to stay neutral. Because he felt tired of pushing the other away when he definitely needed him. The night when he was attacked, he felt that need. It wasn't like he loved his life, he was just coping up with the span he got in his fate.

His brain was still mocking him every time he let the other be cool and kind of frank with him, it always mocked him in the worst ways ever, but he couldn't stop himself, because his heart was rebelling this time.

Just when he thought of sleeping as the night was already deep and his body was demanding some sleep, a soft knock interrupted him.

"What is it now?" He grumbled lowly, not so harshly but definitely a bit irritated as he finally started feeling a bit drowsy.

Jungkook peeked through a little slit of the door and blinked innocently. "Are you ok?" His voice was full of concern but he looked, confused.?

"What do you think? Of course, I'm, if you ignore that you just ruined my sleep." Jungkook blinked again, his eyes quickly roaming around the room and nodding his head in a daze.

"Ah, sorry for that. I think I heard some noise from your room. Maybe, I'm also sleepy." He chuckled, scratching his head but his eyes were still looking around, more like focusing on the locked windows.

Taehyung frowned when the other kept standing in the doorway, not giving him his privacy to sleep.

"Just leave already, Jeon. I want to sleep." He groaned in annoyance and finally, Jungkook left the room after muttering a soft 'good night'.

Once the raventte was gone, Taehyung looked around as well. He didn't hear anything before, maybe he was too sleepy, or maybe, the other was sleepy.

Shaking his head, he rested it back on the pillow and closed his eyes. It didn't take long when he was already in his dreamland, but not so peaceful.

He barely slept for an hour when he felt the door of his room opening, slowly. He silently listened to the voices as they grew closer to his laying figure.

"Must be so tired, look at his paralyzed body, must be really tiring to bear this burden." One of them whispered and chuckled, tracing his hands lightly over his curves, making him shiver in anger.

"Just do it already," Another voice said, leaning closer to his ear, making him feel suffocated as the other's breath hit his skin.

"Oh, how much I want to see him bathing in his own blood. But as the boss said, burn him to ashes." The first one said, grabbing his waist tightly before turning his body to his own side.

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