17: Falling apart

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"Your medicines." Jungkook handed the small plate having different colored pills and a glass of water to the brunet.

After the falling incident in the early morning, the brunet was oddly silent, and that sort of bothered the caretaker a lot. But as usual, he kept quiet about that and let the other be at ease.

He made sure to make the breakfast as healthy as possible, keeping the other's taste as a priority. Thanks to his cooking skills and good mind, that he never needed to shove the bowl full of chilies in his throat.

"Do you need anything else?" He softly asked once the brunet placed the half-empty glass back on the tray.

Taehyung was contemplating whether to tell the other or not. In the past few weeks, he did nothing except for sitting in his room and just hurt his already bruised soul. The lack of activities just made him bored to death but he couldn't even speak out about that. But now, it was getting kinda out of his hand to just sit and do nothing while in the past he never get the chance to do so.

"I want to go out." Jungkook frowned upon hearing that but quickly smiled in the next second, hands busy in organizing the little ruffled bed sheets.

"Sure. Let me get ready for that." He stated before sprinting out of the room with the tray only to be back after a few minutes.

"What do you like to wear? It's starting to get cold now." Taehyung watched him go through his closet to find something suitable for him.

"That beige overcoat." He simply replied when the other seemed puzzled after going through a huge collection of very expensive clothes.

"Ah, sure. Anything else?" Taehyung blinked, eyes falling over his limp feet resting on the bed. A bitter smile formed on his lips when he recalled, how he used to throw tantrums about his shoes. He used to be very picky about the shoes in his whole wardrobe. Even when he bought every branded piece and limited edition, he never felt enough.

But what now?

"No, nothing." Jungkook turned his head, the sadness in the voice didn't go unnoticed by his sharp ears.

Taehyung was still blankly staring at his pale feet, eyes looking empty yet filled with something, something that no one predict at the first glance.

Taking the hold of the requested coat, Jungkook came back to the other and carefully placed the expensive item over the bedside.

"Just give me a minute, I'll take a round of the mansion before we go." Politely stating that Jungkook again rushed out of the room to do so.

When he was entering Taehyung's room again, he was on his phone.


"Um, no. I'll manage for today.

"Sure, you can do that tomorrow."

"Fine, thank you." He even smiled at the end but when his eyes moved up, he was startled by the strong gaze of the brunet.

"Um- I was talking with the maid. I can't let her stay when no one else is here." Taehyung nodded blankly, silently following the other who helped him in wearing the coat.

"Where do you wanna go?"

Where do I want to go.?

Taehyung repeated the question in his mind, not knowing where to go to be at peace but in an instant, he got the answer.

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