Volume 3 Chapter 68: Christmas Eve

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*Alyssa's perspective*

*At Alyssa's room: December 22*

"-and that happened." I said.

"So who are you gonna spend the Eve with?" Suisei asked.

"No one! I'm just gonna hole up myself on this room." I said.

"Ehh? That's boring! How about a house date? I have 27 websites opened just in case you opt for that one! Oh! I also have 54 websites opened for Christmas Eve date plans just in case you change your mind! If you like to spice things up though, I can open an incognito tab and search right away for the best gift wraps and wrap you in it. Not a bad plan, no?" Suisei said while doting her phone unto me.

 Not a bad plan, no?" Suisei said while doting her phone unto me

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"I have no such plans I told you."

"Ehhh? That's unlikely you know. You have higher probability of getting a threesome until Christmas morning than just holing up yourself here."

"Hey! Language! I'm probably just gonna spend the holidays gaming. I want some peace."

"If that's what you want. By the way, may I have your room's key?"

"What for?"

"You know, just in case you have a burglar trying to steal your virginity, I can easily access your room to film it."

"You little!"

"Bleegh! I got it now! I'll bring it back later! Jaa ne~"

I will stay with Chi-chan's for the holidays just in case.

*Shift to Suisei's perspective*

"There. I'm giving you duplicate keys just in case she isn't home. Just bring your gifts into her room then leave. No taking souvenirs or anything you understand?" I said.

"Oh, and respect her wish to be alone this winter break, m'kay? No striding! Be fair with each other. I already gave her the push she needed to organize her feelings, it's now even grounds for both of you, I think." I added.

"What does she mean that we have even grounds? I'm not even competing." Chairman Kyle said.

"*Sighs* I need to go now. Explain it to him so that it's truly fair. Bye." I said then left.

"Alyssa has feelings for you. Romantically." Kiyotaka said.


*Shift to Kiyotaka's perspective*

*The next day*

I have no idea what I'm doing.

*Calls Arisu, Horikita, Ryuen, and Ichinose*

*A few minutes later*

"What's so urgent that you summoned us all?" Ryuen asked.

"I need to buy Alyssa a Christmas gift." I said.

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