Volume 3 Chapter 66: Boys' Talk

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*Kiyotaka's perspective*

"So? Why are you all here?" I asked.

"Just loafing around." Ryuen said.

"Do you have any suggestion on the attack patterns I should go for for our next clan war?" Koenji asked while playing COC.

"I don't know why I'm here. I'm your enemy." Kiseki said.

"It's your brother's birthday. Of course you'd be invited!" Chairman Kyle said.

"You all know the dimensional capacity of my room right? Why are you insisting that my room is perfect for these get togethers." I said.


"Can you bring me nachos so I can enjoy this basketball match?" Ryuen asked.

"It's right in front of you..."

"I got disconnected! Your internet connectivity here sucks Kiyotaka!" Koenji said.

"You live one room apart from me..."

"I shouldn't have been welcome here." Kiseki said.

"Then go..."

"Can I smoke here? Yeah I'll smoke here."

"Aren't you the chairman..?"

This is exhausting. It's supposed to be my birthday. Why am I the one getting enslaved? Will I get a gift from Alyssa at least?

"I heard some extreme news about the chairman." Koenji said.

"Hmm? What is it?" Chairman Kyle asked.

"You were caught by a few students smuggling in two unfamiliar young girls into your office." Koenji said as the 100% base destruction sound effect popped.

"Those were Maki's retainers. Don't stir up weird delusions you idiots." Chairman Kyle said.

"Isn't that verbal abuse? Can I report him?" Kiseki asked me.

"No. You can't." I said as I reached for his pen then destroyed it into pieces.

"No recordings otōto-san. You'd obey me, your master, right?" Koenji boastfully said.

"I'm getting bored. Can you guys bring some booze or something?" Ryuen said.

"Hey! No booze on my watch!" Chairman Kyle said.

"Ugh. Can you guys entertain me then?" Ryuen said.

"How about an arm wrestling match?" Chairman Kyle said.

"I'm not participating, just so we're clear." Ryuen said.

"Yeah, little kids should be out of the big boys league." Koenji said.

"Let's have a match." Kiseki challenges me.

"Why do I have to do this on my birthday?" I asked.

"Don't kill the joy now. Ready, go!" Chairman Kyle said.

*Kiseki lost*

"That's expected." Koenji said.

"Yeah, agree agree. Chairman Kyle said.

"Do we need to continue?" I asked.

"Scared of me?" Koenji and Kyle asked in unison.

*Koenji and Kyle lost*

"Next game, next game." Ryuen said.

"How about the classic truth or dare? We decide who's it through a random spin the wheel app or otherwise we'll all just be cheating." Chairman Kyle said.

"Fine." Everyone agrees.

"You're joining now Ryuen. So for the first one... It's me of course, great." Chairman Kyle said.

"This is the brutal variant of truth or dare, just to clarify. All four of us will ask you, alright?" Ryuen said.

"By the power bestowed upon me, as the chairman of the scho-" Chairman Kyle said and was interrupted.

"Truth! You like Alyssa, no?" Ryuen asked.

"I'm the one who will choose between truth or dare, right?" Chairman Kyle complains.

"Your question is mediocre but I'll allow it." Koenji said.

"I'll be surprised if he said he likes Alyssa." I said in a monotonously joking manner.


"Okay, I'll stop." I said.

"We all know the answer so next. Truth or dare?" Koenji asked.

"Truth." Chairman Kyle answered.

"What do you like more, breast or butt?" Koenji said.

"That's an outrageous question!" Chairman Kyle said.

"And an even more outrageous choices! I prefer thighs!" Chairman Kyle said.

(Chicken parts *wink*)

"Truth or dare?" Kiseki asked.

"Truth." Chairman Kyle answered.

"Do you still have any connections with Maki?" Kiseki asked.

"Don't be using this as an information extraction game now!" Ryuen said.

"He's on to something though." Koenji said.

"I do, actually. She calls me to check up on her retainers." Chairman Kyle said.

"I'll probably be the most boring one. Truth or dare?" I said.

"Is that so? Then dare." He said.

"I dare you to stop taking photos of Alyssa without her consent." I said.

"Yeah, that's gross man." Koenji said.

"That's low." Kiseki said.

"Creepy, man." Ryuen said.

"I'll apologize to her directly." Chairman Kyle said.

"Don't man." Koenji said.

"That would be his downfall, do it." Kiseki said.

"You wanted to lose your job that badly?" Ryuen said.

"Don't act like a saint. Just stop doing it." I said.

"Thanks guys." Chairman Kyle said.

*A few hours later*

"That's the size of my arm, wtf!"

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