Volume 2 Chapter 47: Intrams VIII

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*Kiyotaka's perspective*

*Flashback to Chairman Kyle and Kiyotaka's private talk*

"First of all, I'm heterosexual." Chairman Kyle said.


"You're really expressionless huh? Fuu~ I want to be as brief as possible. This may sound very cliché but here goes nothing. Alyssa-

*Shift to Kyle's perspective*

*Back to present time, Chairman Kyle and Maki's conversation*

"-suffers from dissociative identity disorder." I said.

"My hunch was right, there's something that happened with Alyssa that only you know. Your act may fool someone as dumb as Suisei here but sorry to break it to you, reading people is one of my forte." Maki responded.

"Hey! I'm not dumb

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"Hey! I'm not dumb. You're just... too damn smart." Suisei said.

"I didn't believe it at first, Kiyotaka said something familiar about that." Koenji said.

"I thought Suisei here might drop hints but she's tough as nuts. I also have another hypothesis that I would like to clarify. You, Suisei, Alyssa, and I have acquainted each other in a game. Glory, to be accurate." Maki said.

"Wtf!? We did?? I remember playing with Aly-chan and another random sassy girl, that was you?!" Suisei said.

"Now that's very interesting." Koenji said.

"I'm... I'm really amazed hahaha. No way you associated all of that with minimal evidence. I was about to say that we've all known each other but good job deducting that." I praised Maki.

"Surely, Kiyotaka knew all of this already, right?" Maki asked.

"Yeah. He even mentioned abnormal emotional fluctuations resulting to fainting and such which are his main evidences on his hypothesis, that Alyssa had brain dysfunction due to an initial brain damage." I answered.

"He saw right through me huh

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"He saw right through me huh. I thought I swerved his mind by intentionally thinking that Aly-chan is somewhat related to the White Room, but he even expected that. That night, I did drug her but the concentration was too low that it must affect her a bit later but it took effect immediately." Suisei said.

"Too sly pettan." Koenji said.

"Shut up." Suisei retaliated.

"Well, nevertheless, this dissociative identity you're pertaining suggests one more thing. You knew her from childhood, right? Suisei here and the current Alyssa doesn't know you at all but, the former Alyssa probably remembers you, no?" Maki said.

 You knew her from childhood, right? Suisei here and the current Alyssa doesn't know you at all but, the former Alyssa probably remembers you, no?" Maki said

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"Hehe~ Right in the mark~!" Maki added.

"At this point of time, I'm not even surprised about your brilliant deduction. Haa~ You know guys, I have another favor. Please relay this as well to the White Room students if possible. Don't be shy to raise the general weighted average of the school, okay?" I said.

"Well, I guess you answered my questions perfectly so I'll repay it." Maki said.

"If we raise our grades, wouldn't that mean that our classmates' will suffer due to higher passing marks?" Koenji asked.

"Well, they need to improve right? But of course, I'll not be hypocrite to say that I don't care about learning rate and such so, it's still up to your jurisdiction whether you ace the examinations or not." I said.

"What a weird way to exhibit meritocracy lol." Suisei said.

"Thanks for your time." Maki said then they left.

"Fuu~ This generation is tiresome." I murmured.

*Flashbacks to Chairman Kyle and Kiyotaka's private talk*

"Tell me something I don't know about." Kiyotaka said.

"You're too mean on your chairman. Haa~ Anyways, what else? Dissociative identity disorder, Alyssa and I were childhood friends, I'm really good at playing Glory that I met plenty of beauties-"

"That last one was just you boasting. Our official win-lose record is at 30-31 in your favor but that was only because of team discrepancies." Kiyotaka said.

"Oh? You even recognize my character? How terrifying hahaha~ I didn't think that you were Macchi."

"Yeah right Yechu

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"Yeah right Yechu." Kiyotaka rebuts.

"You know what the other thing I'm gonna mention right?" I asked

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"You know what the other thing I'm gonna mention right?" I asked.

"Of course. You like her as well." Kiyotaka answered.

"You're at the lead right now since the new Alyssa is abnormally infatuated to you. But we can't hide the fact that sooner or later, she will regain her memories and forget all things that happened on the current persona. If that happens, may the best man win."

*Kiyotaka stands up then left*

*Back to present time*

I must admit that the task of pursuing Alyssa's love once she gets her memory back is difficult for someone who doesn't have a heart but, let's see how the facadeless labeled fake genius will strategize and try to win this one.

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