Volume 3 Chapter 54: Treason

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*Alyssa's perspective*

"We won! We won! Yatta!! We are the champions my friend~!" I screamed and sung at the top of my lungs out of extreme happiness.

"We won! We won! Yatta!! We are the champions my friend~!" I screamed and sung at the top of my lungs out of extreme happiness

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"Our class absolutely destroyed all the other years and classes! Let's go class 2B!!!" Sudo shouted.

"Now, now. Break it up everyone. Miss Chabashira will be here any moment now. Go back to your proper seats." Horikita said.

"Boo~ Horikita-san's KJ! Boo~!" I said.

"I guess the rumors were true that Alyssa had changed significantly. I can't seem to find the old introverted girl within you." Chabashira interrupted.

"Good morning sensei! We did well, didn't we? What's our separate reward from you?" I said.

"Enough of that. The points will be allocated tomorrow so rest well. Your perseverance and hardwork paid off. Good job." Chabashira said.

"Ehhh?? That's all." I said.

"Ahem. Your final individual special examination for this semester will happen next week so be prepared. It will cover your academic and physical prowess so we can assess and update your OAA rating. That's all. Class dismissed." Chabashira said then left.

"Hey Aly-chan. Have you seen Koenji and Kiyotaka?" Suisei asked.

"Hmm? I don't know. Probably having a boy's night out or something." I said.

"It seems like you don't care that much that your hubby is missing." Suisei said.

"My hubby? Psh. I'm out of that miserable phase of mine. I don't know why my passive self fell in love with that monotonous robot. I mean he's smart, athletic, and somewhat good looking but he lacks something that I adore the most." I said.

"What? A hea-"

"Yes, a heart. I don't feel any emotions that he emits in a genuine manner. You might have not notice back when we cornered Kei-san, he hugged her looking like he was consoling her but that was just a facade from his sinister side. He made it in order to re-manipulate and calibrate Kei-san to stop her from her revengeful track." I explained.

"How are you so sure that that's what he's trying to do? And since when you were that insightful??" Suisei asked.

"Tch tch tch Sui-chan. Still so young and naive. After Kiyotaka rejected me on my midway personality reversion phase and gave me instructions on how to act as he executes his plan, I saw an abysmal creak on his way of talking. His pronunciation didn't falter, his facial expressions unhinged, his choice of words and plan was faultless. It seem lesser and lesser that I was talking to a high school love of mine, but more of a wicked android giving flawless instructions against an enemy of his towards a maiden in love." I explained even further.

"I'm perplexed by the fact that you managed to process all of that

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"I'm perplexed by the fact that you managed to process all of that. Why does it seem that everybody's starting to outsmart me?? I'm not dumb y'all!" Suisei said.

"Thus I fell out of love. Adios~" I said then left.

*Shift to Suisei's perspective*

"What the hell happened in a short period of time!?" I said out loud.

"What she said was factual to some extent if she is capable of reading someone as intelligent as my best friend." Maki interrupted.

"So are you saying that she became a genius suddenly after she regained her former self?? That she became smarter than me all of a sudden??" I asked.

"Well, yeah. Her insights were impeccable. She saw right through the veneer that Kiyotaka built up through years spent on the White Room. That's a magnificent feat for an intellectual being. If my memory serves me right, only I, the chairman, Koenji, and now Alyssa, had unraveled the enigmatic facade Kiyotaka had without previous knowledge about the White Room." Maki said.

"Are you guys sure that you're bonafide geniuses? Maybe you're laboratory inclined intellectuals as well?" I asked.

"I, for sure, is categorized as a bonafide genius. The chairman seems to be from a well off high end family thus his intellectual and physical ability stemming from his advantages in financial resources. Alyssa might be having some exponential mind upgrade of some sort after retaining her former personality, all of her academic efforts to pursue Kiyotaka is being multiplied by her dissociative identity disorder. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, seems to be the hardest one to figure out. Although the chairman rivals Kiyotaka's abilities to some extent, Koenji's unorthodox personality tends to be harder to evaluate, thus him being more unpredictable, even for me." Maki explained.

"That's... true. Koenji have been very hard to get a read on. His mind seems to be on a whole 'nother spectrum. I've been with him for not a long time but it looks like I don't know him very well after your analysis on him." I said, dumbfounded.

"It's a good thing that Koenji sided with Kiyotaka. If something ever to break the bond within them, stir their positive relationship, and force them to fight against each other, it will surely be a menace." Maki said.

"That's a very heavy premonitional death flag of some sort you're spouting huh." I said.

"Who knows? In an all out battle between them, don't you think that the school's power standings will rift apart? Kiyotaka with his subordinates vs. Koenji with the rebellious White Roomers. That would be a good plot point, don't you think??" Maki said while her eyes were glistening.

"Aish. Your imagination's running too wild, don't you think?" I said then left to find Koenji.

*Shift to Maki's perspective*

*Shift to Maki's perspective*

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"Ugh, what an idiot. I laid all the clues and yet she didn't even suspect a thing. Human attachment really blinds you from rationality huh." I murmured.

Kiyotaka, how low you've fell. How unsightly you've become. The once almighty demonic manipulator is now being manipulated by love. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

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